Chapter 16: Sareena

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Manado, Ashrah, Sareena, Li Mei, Tanya and the Tarkatan group exit the portal and find themselves in a place called the drum canyons. The terrain and the outline of the canyon is similar to what the canyons in Earthrealm are. The terrain is very hot and dry but the canyon walls are shaped like drums, where the name comes from.

"So Tanya, do you have any idea where Rain would have Mileena locked up?" Manado asks.

"Knowing him, he would most likely have her trapped inside a cave somewhere." Tanya explains.

Manado then realizes something.

"There is only one cave where Rain would keep her hidden. The vampire cave, home of the Moroi." Manado says as he points up towards a hole in the canyon wall, showing the location of the vampire cave.

"He must have brought Mileena here to be turned into a Vampire." Ashrah realizes.

"Which are classified as the undead." Sareena adds.

"That's what he meant by having Mileena executed." Li Mei says.

"Then we don't have much time. We have to rescue her before night comes and that's when the vampires will come out." Manado informs.

"Not to mention the sun is already setting." Tanya mentions, noting the disappearing sun behind the canyon walls.

"Then let us hurry." Manado says before the group rushes to the cave.

As they are rushing towards the cave, a small army of Tarkatans surround the group as they prepare for kombat. A section of the surrounding warriors then opens and Khameleon walks through.

"Manado, so glad you could join us. Come, we need to get ready for the ceremony." Khameleon says.

"The ceremony to turn all of us into vampires? I think I'll pass on that." Manado informs.

"I'm afraid you won't have a choice. Restrain them!" Kameleon orders before the Tarkatan group charges into battle.

Manado's group along with their own group of rebellious Tarkatans then charge in to defend themselves.

While the group fights the tarkatans, Sareena has managed to slip through the battleground to face Khameleon herself.

"No one will be turned into vampires tonight." Sareena assures.

"My dear, the process has already begun and you will be the first one to be transformed." Khameleon says before she assumes her fighting stance.

They then fight. Despite Khameleon's ferocity and agility as a member of the Zaterran race, Sareena's Netherrealm magic and fighting skill is more than enough to overpower whatever Khameleon can throw at her. After a fierce battle, Khameleon is left on the floor, defeated.

"Khameleon, hear us out." Sareena asks.

As Khameleon is on her knees in deep thought about what Sareena said, the group is continuously trying to hold back the Tarkatans. Khameleon then yells out something in Tarkatan language and the Tarkatans cease their kombat. Khameleon then stands up.

"Whatever it is you want to say, speak it." Khameleon says.

Sareena then nods at Manado who nods back and turns towards Khameleon.

"Khameleon, vampires have been a threat to Outworld and its citizens for millennia and you want to help the Moroi conquer the realm? Can't you see that what you are doing is wrong?" Manado asks.

"Kotal Kahn threatens the safety and survival of both the Tarkatan and Zaterran race. The vampires will help us in defeating him." Khameleon says.

"Do you really think that the vampires will help you? They only seek the realm so they can use its citizens to both feed on and expand their numbers. And when you serve their purpose, they will cast you aside and leave you to die. Is that what you really want?" Manado explains and asks.

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