Chapter 6: Sonya blade

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Back at the refugee camp, Sonya walks through with her phone to her ear. A squad of S.F. soldiers walk just behind her.

"Thanks for the heads up, Sergeant. Stay with Kotal Kahn. We'll figure out next steps once I've got Kano locked down." Sonya says.

"Yes ma'am. Cage out." Cassie says before hanging up.

Sonya then stops and looks out to the Outworld refugees.

"He's still here. I can feel it." Sonya says to herself.

As she continues through the camp, she comes across two of her medics carrying a body bag on a stretcher.

"Report." Sonya asks.

"One of the refugees. Found her near the north perimeter." The medics inform.

Sonya then unzips the bag. It contains a young Outworld woman who looks far plainer than Li Mei. Further detracting from her looks is her slashed throat, and adding insult to injury, her tongue is sticking out through the open slit in her neck.

"That's one of Kano's "neckties"." Sonya says.

Her composure briefly drops, but she steels herself in short order and zips the body bag back up.

"Inform Li Mei. Tell her we're investigating." Sonya orders.

The medics walk off with the body bag.

Sonya then pulls out a talisman that acts as a communicator. An image of Raiden is projected on it.

"Raiden, what'd you find?" Sonya asks.

"Shinnok's Amulet has been stolen. Replaced by an exquisite duplicate." Raiden informs.

"Damn it." Sonya says to herself.

On the projection, Raiden looks to his left.

"Something is wrong. I will speak to you once I–" Raiden says before the projection fizzles out.

"Raiden? Raiden!" Sonya calls out on the talisman.

After a moment of contemplation, she puts the talisman in her back pocket while whirling around to address her soldiers.

"Lieutenant, I need you to take a team to Fort Charles. Check in with Raiden and report back." Sonya orders.

The soldiers march off. Johnny Cage chooses this moment to stroll up to Sonya.

"What's goin' on?" Johnny asks.

"What's your update from Colonel Flagg?" Sonya asks, ignoring his question.

"He said, "Why're you bothering me?" and I said, "Because my  ex-wife is a pain in the--" Johnny says before Sonya holds a hand up to stop him and turns, walking away from him.

Johnny is quick to follow and intercept her.

"Where you goin'? You can't just walk away. I'm in this too." Johnny reminds.

"Not my decision. Thank your buddy, Secretary Blake." Sonya says coldly.

"THIS is what split us up in the first place. You disappear in your work. Never time for me and Cassie." Johnny says.

"I had responsibilities. Sorry you couldn't be the centre of attention." Sonya says.

Johnny bites back his retort, and delivers a carefully measured response.

"There was a time when you cared more about your family than your job... General." Johnny informs before walking off.

Sonya continues in the direction she was going.

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