Chapter 8: Takeda Takahashi

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Five Years Ago, Takeda can be seen walking through the devastated remains of a once vibrant metropolis, outfitted in the yellow garb of the Shirai Ryu. He warily scans his surroundings, but there are no signs of life throughout the entire urban wasteland.

He then approaches the edge of a building, taking cover next to it. As he peeks around the corner, a chained kunai impales itself into the concrete inches from his head. Scorpion, now fully human, and better known as Hanzo Hasashi, pulls his weapon back into his grasp. Hanzo is noticeably wearing ninja garb that is much looser looking than his previous outfit when he was a spectre.

Takeda charges at him with a scissors kick, but the two strikes are blocked easily by Scorpion. He throws several more kicks, but Hanzo evades them all. The former wraith goes on the offensive with several punches, two of which Takeda isn't quick enough to block. He takes them full in the face.

Takeda rallies and jumps into a spin kick. Hanzo avoids the kick, but Takeda grabs one of his holstered swords from his back. It takes the Shirai Ryu master a few moments, and a double take, before he realises what Takeda did. When he does, he pulls out the other sword and readies himself.

The two ninjas then engage in a swordfight, each parrying the other's swipes at lightning quick speed. After Hanzo dodges a swipe at his waist, Takeda throws his sword directly at his master's sword-hand. Scorpion blocks the attack and sends the stolen sword soaring skywards, but that gives Takeda the opening to charge forward and jump-kick his master square in the face.

Hanzo Hasashi falls down hard, and Takahashi catches the falling sword. He swings it downward, but stops it an inch from his master's neck. For a moment he does nothing but give his mentor a knowing look.

"Yield." Takeda says.

Hanzo then flashes a brief smile.

"Well done." Hanzo says.

He then lightly pushes the sword away and offers his hand. Takeda accepts it and pulls him to his feet.

"You are now Chujin." Hanzo says as he places a hand on his chest and bows.

Takeda bows in response and offers him back his sword.

"You honour me, Master Hasashi." Takeda says.

Hanzo then takes the blade back and holsters it.

"Now that I'm Chujin, how will I serve the clan?" Takeda asks.

"Your future does not lie with the Shirai Ryu." Hanzo informs.

"But... the clan's my family." Takeda says.

Hanzo then turns away, but continues speaking.

"When I took you in, I promised your father–" Hanzo says before being cut off.

"I don't have a father." Takeda says.

A new voice then catches Takeda's attention.

"Yes you do. One who's proud of you. A Chujin in record time." Kenshi says.

The blind swordsman then bows to Takeda, but the younger man looks furious rather than happy.

"You knew he was coming? You said nothing?!" Takeda asks Hanzo.

"Knowing this would be your reaction, yes." Hanzo replies.

Takeda then moves forward, ready to attack his father.

"Takeda! Your father is not your enemy." Hanzo says.

The younger Takahashi remains unconvinced, and he addresses the elder Takahashi directly.

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