Chapter 5: Kung Jin

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Later in Outworld's capital, Z'unkahran, Team S.F. and Manado are walking through the crowded streets of Outworlders going about their normal business.

"I dunno, I expected the sky to be purple or something." Jacqui says.

"Don't believe everything you see online." Kung Jin says.

"And what makes you an expert?" Cassie asks.

"The Shaolin archives. I studied a lot about Outworld." Kung Jin explains.

"No substitute for experience."  Cassie replies.

"So what makes you our leader?" Kung Jin asks.

The two of them stop walking and stare one another down. Takeda intercedes before anything else happens.

"Guys, let's stick to the mission?" Takeda advises.

"Agreed." Manado says.

Cassie breaks off the staredown and walks off. Kung Jin smiles to himself and follows along with Takeda and Jacqui.

"Li Mei has to be telling the truth." Cassie hopes.

"An invasion would violate the Reiko Accords." Jacqui informs.

"'Cause you can always trust an Outworlder..." Kung Jin says, getting glares from Manado, who is an Outworlder.

"But if Outworld's our ally, why didn't they help us during the Netherrealm war? Against Quan Chi and his team of..." Takeda asks before being cut off.

"Revenants? Like Jacqui's dad?" Kung Jin asks.

Jacqui stops dead at this remark. "Asshole!" Jacqui snaps.

"I can tell you that the reason why was because Outworld needed to prepare in case Earthrealm failed. I would've helped but I had my hand full.

Kung Jin turns around, addressing everyone as he does so.

"Regardless, it's not an alliance. Non-aggression pact. Outworld is not our ally." Kung Jin explains.

A new voice then cuts through the air, and Team S.F. and Manado find themselves surrounded by several of Kotal Kahn's soldiers. The one speaking stands out the most in his gunslinger attire.

"A point you might make with more subtlety, given your surroundings. Now state your business. Including a reason why we shouldn't kill you." Erron Black demands.

"Easy there, Black." Manado says, stepping forward.

Erron Black and the soldiers then turn their attention to Manado. "General Manado? Kotal Kahn had the entire army looking for you." Erron Black informs.

"Sorry to have him worry, but I managed to escape Mileena's grasp." Manado says.

"You should report to him. He will be glad to know that his general is alive." Erron Black suggests.

Manado nods and starts to walk off with several of the soldiers following him, leaving the S.F. group alone with the gunslinger.

Takeda then puts his hand to his head, telepathically reading Erron Black's mind.

"I can read you. You're not from Outworld." Takeda says.

"I'm from Earthrealm, like you. But my employer, Kotal Kahn, is from Outworld. So now I'm from Outworld. State your business." Erron Black informs.

"We're emissaries. We need to talk to Kotal Kahn." Cassie informs.

She then pulls something out of her back pocket.

"Here, we have Raiden's official seal." Cassie offers.

Erron Black looks at it for a moment.

"I can buy one of those at that stall right over there." Erron Black says.

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