Chapter 10: Ashrah

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Ashrah can be seen on the krossroads with Manado and Sareena behind her.

"If my knowledge of the Netherrealm is correct, the portal to Earthrealm should be near the sea of blood." Ashrah informs.

Before they could reach the end of the krossroads, they are confronted by the Revenants of Stryker, Kabal, Jade, and Sindel, and an army of oni.

"Ashrah, Sareena. You will return to Quan Chi's service." Revenants Jade says.

"Not happening Jade." Ashrah replies.

"You don't really have a choice in the matter. Attack!" Sindel orders.

The oni, Stryker, Kabal, and Jade then begin to attack Manado and Sareena. Stryker and Kabal attack Sareena while Jade and the oni attack Manado. Sindel meanwhile confronts Ashrah.

"You were a favorable Netherrealm demon, but Raiden and Shujinko have made you weak." Sindel says.

"They have freed me from Quan Chi's control." Ashrah says.

"Yet they did not aid you in escaping the realm." Sindel points out.

"That will change today." Ashrah says.

They then fight. Sindel proved to be a tough match, considering she killed most of the order of light in a single battle, but Ashrah's magic and skills in kombat prove to be more than enough to handle Sindel's power. After a vicious battle, Ashrah leaves Sindel unconscious.

"Maybe even you can be freed." Ashrah says.

Meanwhile, Sareena has managed to defeat Kabal and Stryker but Manado seems to struggle with Jade but has managed to defeat the oni. Jade then hits Manado with a right hook to the jaw, staggering him backwards.

"Jade, please heed my words." Manado asks.

"I trusted you, and you led me to my death." Revenant Jade says.

"That's because all of us were outmatched by Sindel's magic." Manado points out.

"If you will not protect me in life, you will in death." Revenant Jade says before charging.

She tries to use her staff, but Manado manages to both dodge and block the attempts. Then he gets hit with an unexpected uppercut to the face, sending him flying. He then lands on his back, hard. As he struggles to stand, Jade stands on top of him and pins him down with her foot.

"Blind loyalty is an unhealthy thing that I've learned over the years. You must keep your eyes open, to anticipate the finishing blow." Revenant Jade says.

She then raises her staff up, preparing to strike him down. She then quickly swings down as Manado prepares for the attack by holding his arms in front of his face, but it never comes. Manado removes his arms to see that Ashrah used her kriss sword to prevent the staff from making contact.

Ashrah then kicks Jade in the abdomen, sending her back and away from Manado. She then helps Manado back onto his feet.

"Thank you." Manado says.

"Sit tight. I'll handle this." Ashrah says before Manado backs up, to stand beside Sareena.

Ashrah then confronts Jade, assuming her fighting stance.

"Manado has new protectors now? He sure knows to convince them to die for him." Jade says.

"It is you who will be on the ground, Jade." Ashrah promises.

"We shall see." Jade says.

They then fight. Jade's skills in using staffs, bows and hand to hand kombat, combined with the powers of Quan Chi's dark magic makes her a force to be reckoned with. However, Ashrah's magical abilities with her skills in kombat give her an edge to be able to go toe to toe with any magic user. After a long and exhausting battle, Jade is left on the ground, defeated and unconscious.

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