Chapter 2: Kotal Kahn

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In the streets of the capital city of Z'unkahran in Outworld, a battalion of Kotal Kahn's warriors march through, along with the Outworld equivalent of oxen dragging a large carriage. Leading the march are the wandering mercenary Erron Black and the living amalgamation of souls known only as Ermac. Inside of the carriage is Outworld's latest emperor; the Osh-Tekk warrior Kotal Kahn. Sitting next to him is Manado, Kotal's General.

 Sitting next to him is Manado, Kotal's General

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"Twenty million." Kotal Kahn offers.

The person he is speaking with is the Earthrealm mercenary Kano, leader of the Black Dragon. Sitting beside him is D'Vorah, Kotal's lieutenant from Kytinn.

"Emperor, what's the expression? "S' not worth the dirt on my shoe"?" Kano asks.

"Kotal Kahn has always bargained with you fairly, Kano." D'vorah points out.

"Sure, sure. I'm just sayin'; upgraded weapons, my intel - and poof! The long Outworld civil war - done. Might be nice to kick back a bit, eh?" Kano asks.

"You know Mileena's location." Kotal says.

"And 'er whole rebel army. S'gotta be worth at least fifty." Kano says.

"I must attack her. Immediately. End this conflict. As you say..." Kotal Kahn says before Kano looks over to the rooftops through the carriage windows. He spots the former empress Mileena running over them, accompanied by the Edenian demigod Rain. " drains us." Kotal Kahn finishes.

Kano then refocuses his attention on Kotal.

"Right. Do we have a deal?" Kano asks.

The driver of Kotal's cart suddenly calls a halt, bringing the carriage to a stop. D'Vorah immediately checks the window.

"What is it, D'Vorah?" Kotal Kahn asks.

"The emperor should not be concerned. Accident ahead. This One will clear it." D'vorah says.

Kotal then turns to Manado.

"Manado, aid D'vorah." Kotal orders.

Manado nods and follows D'vorah to exit the carriage.

As they exit the carriage, they see the reason behind the halt. Two massive carts of stacked crates blocking the roadway. Kotal's soldiers move to heave them aside as D'Vorah and Manado walk up to them.

"Make way for Kotal Kahn! Move!" D'vorah orders.

On the rooftops, Mileena and Rain spy on the proceedings, accompanied by the treacherous Edenian Tanya and several Tarkatans.

"The Tarkatans are in position. We await your order." Tanya informs.

"It is given, dearest Tanya." Mileena says.

Tanya then sneaks off with several Tarkatans in tow.

"Stopping a carriage is nothing. Killing an emperor–" Rain says before being cut off.

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