Chapter 7: D'Vorah

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In Outworld, Takeda and Jin are climbing up the stairs of Kotal Kahn's palace to meet with Jacqui and Cassie. Cassie is speaking with Sonya over her communication piece, next to a large table which seems to where Kotal Kahn and his advisors would meet to discuss affairs.

"The Kuatan Jungle?" Cassie asks.

"With at least two divisions of Tarkatans. They're on the move constantly to avoid detection." Sonya informs.

Jacqui checks something on her communications device, which appears to be a map of sorts.

"That's not far. Maybe two hundred kilometres." Jacqui says.

"You know what to do." Sonya says.

"Yes ma'am." Cassie replies.

"Good luck. Blade out." Sonya says before hanging up.

Kotal Kahn and D'Vorah walk up to Team S.F. from the other side of the table.

"You have new information? From Earthrealm?" Kotal Kahn asks.

"Kano talked. Gave us the details on Mileena's location. She has the amulet, but she's got a lot of protection." Cassie informs.

"We will strike immediately." Kotal Kahn says.

"Perhaps a two-pronged approach. The army will engage Mileena, distract her, while This One retrieves the amulet." D'Vorah suggests.

"Not alone. "This One's" coming with." Cassie says.

"Stealth is of the essence." D'Vorah informs.

"Did you not hear me?" Cassie asks.

"You may assist in the main strike–" D'Vorah says before being cut off.

"D'Vorah. We will grant their request and I will finally be rid of Mileena." Kotal Kahn says.

D'Vorah doesn't look too happy at Kotal for this decision, but she says nothing to him.

Five years ago, D'Vorah can be seen letting a large maggot run across her hand. She appears to be in some form of an apartment and seated on two stools behind her are Kotal Kahn (without his blue warpaint), Manado, and Reptile. D'Vorah remains standing and facing away from them, though she has a stool of her own.

"This One understands your logic, but does not reach the same conclusion." D'vorah says as she lets the maggot back down into the egg sack it lives in before turning to face them. "Like others, This One is not pleased with Mileena as Kahnum. But it is not clear your coup will succeed." D'Vorah says.

"That is why I invited our Zaterran friend." Kotal says, turning towards Reptile who gives a nod.

"Listen, and join us. I know things about Mileena. Her troubled rule will fall in the telling, and pave the way for Ko'atal." Reptile informs.

"And my connections with the forces of light in Earthrealm can help with our coup." Manado assures.

"What would you know that would cause–" D'Vorah asks before the doors to the apartment are forced open.

The four then turn to face eight Tarkatans who quickly surround them. Mileena walks in a moment later, followed by both Ermac and the general of the Tarkatans, Baraka.

"Ah, there they are. Four of your fellow councillors, whispering like handmaidens. About what, I wonder?" Mileena says to Ermac and Baraka, wondering what the four were discussing.

"If only you would hear our counsel. As war with Netherrealm looms, I have urged detente with Earthrealm." Kotal explains.

"And I'VE told you I would sooner die than treat with my father's murderers!" Mileena snaps.

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