Chapter 15: Li Mei

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About a day has passed since Shinnok's defeat and Manado can be seen walking through a clearing in the same forest that the S.F. team fought against Kotal Kahn's forces. As Manado was walking through the clearing, he noticed what appeared to be some kind of campsite that had a large tent and a campfire in front. The flames on the fire have indicated that it has been lit very recently. Manado then looks at the symbols on the tent and recognizes them as coming from Outworld since he has seen them before. Then footsteps catch Manado's attention and he assumes a fighting stance, preparing for anything.

After a moment of not seeing anything, a voice breaks the eerie silence of the forest.

"I'm glad you managed to find this place." The voice says. Manado turns around to see Li Mei standing next to the campfire. The difference being is that she decided to change her appearance. Li Mei has let her hair free instead of being tied and is wearing what would be more suited for a ninja to wear, only magenta in color with lily symbols scattered in certain spots.

 Li Mei has let her hair free instead of being tied and is wearing what would be more suited for a ninja to wear, only magenta in color with lily symbols scattered in certain spots

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"Well let's just say that a forest clearing isn't really a hard thing to find." Manado says.

"Well I'm just glad you're here either way." Li Mei says.

"Are you ready for your training?" Manado asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Li Mei says.

Manado then smiles.

"Let your training commence." Manado says.

As the days pass, Manado has been teaching Li Mei in the ways of kombat, using the knowledge he learned from both the order of light and the fighters in Outworld. Starting off with simple punches, kicks and occasionally fighting stances but as time progresses, Manado starts to teach her how to do more complex moves. Days have turned into weeks and Manado has grown quite fond of his new student. He knew that they were friends but something about her made him feel like there was more than meets the eye. Eventually, Manado believes that Li Mei is ready. On the last day of training, Li Mei stands before Manado.

"You have grown strong Li Mei." Manado says.

"Thank you, Master Chujin." Li Mei says as she lowers her head to him.

"Which is why I now believe that you are ready for your first fight." Manado says.

"First fight?" Li Mei asks in confusion.

Before Manado can answer, a portal manifests behind the two. They then turn towards the portal. The portal appears to be bright white in color with shades of yellow, black and red in certain spots. Suddenly two humanoid figures appear from the portal and when they exit the portal, it is revealed to be Ashrah and Sareena. The portal then closes behind them. Manado then steps forward.

"Greetings Ashrah. Sareena." Manado says.

"So who's the one you've been training?" Ashrah asks.

Manado then turns towards Li Mei and introduces her to them.

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