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Chapter 10.
Serenity Yvette Payton

"So you mean to tell me...that Deuce ran into Ella? And it was accidental on his part, but intentional for her?" Asia said with her arms crossed.

Amour nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying. You wanna know how I know? Because a few weeks ago, Ella decided that it was a grand idea to call Jayson's phone—."

"Here we go..." Jayson mumbled rolling his eyes.

"Jayson SHUT UP." Dray said, adding emphasis on 'shut up'.

Donte shook his head as he lifted one of Hamlet's piglets, ButterCup into his lap and scratched behind her ears. "Dray shut up and let him talk for once."

"Who's side are you on?" Dray asked, turning to Donte.
Donte rolled his eyes. "The side where y'all shut up and let Amour talk."

"Thank you, Tae," Amour said. "As I was saying, a few weeks ago, Ella called Jayson telling him that she wanted to see Deuce, and how she had been calling and trying to reach out to Deuce but he had been ignoring her.."

"I told her that there was no reason for her to be in contact with Deuce seeing as though she and I aren't together and because she hasn't been in Deuce's life since he was five years old; and that if Deuce was ignoring her, then she didn't need to be in contact with her." Jayson added.

Amour crossed her arms. "I don't even know why the hell shawdy even still got your number or why you still have hers. That's what baffles me."

"Amour can we not do this right now." Jayson groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Ayesha nodded. "For once, I agree with Jayson. Y'all can discuss this on your own time."

"Yeah," Angel said. "What does Jayson still having Ello Govna's number have to do with this? You guys should talk about that because I think that's some BS, but not now."

"It has everything to do with it!" Amour declared, standing up, looking at all of us in disbelief and slight betrayal.

"It literally doesn't." Jordan shrugged.

"Hush, JP," I said firmly. "We wouldn't invalidate you if you came with this kind of issue to us. Let her explain."

Hazel nodded her head in agreement. "Exactly. So, Amour, how does Jayson still having Ella's number add up with thi—."

"Because, if I had still been in contact with anyone from my past, he'd shit his pants! And on top of that, how are you okay with being in contact with someone who added onto your sons trauma?

I know damn well that Deuce isn't mine biologically, but, you've been walking around being peaceful with this girl when this is not the first time this has happened, and giving her the benefit of the doubt when she is repeatedly adding onto the trauma that he already has!

You may wanna be peaceful and constantly play Captain Save A British Hoe, but I'm sick and tired of playing nice and letting her traumatize him. So believe me, I'ma see her because I now know that she's in The Bay and I'm handling this shit my way! Because I'll be damned if she keep fucking with my son head!"

The entire room was silent as we all looked at Amour in pure shock and amusement. I'm pretty sure that we were all thinking the exact same thing seeing as though we all had these wide grins on our faces.

For the past I wanna say, two years, Deuce has struggled with accepting that he's had a true mother figure in his life—which is Amour of course—and he's been slipping up and calling her Ma or Mom every now and then; and even though we knew the type of mother-son relationship that Amour and Deuce shared, she had never out right called him her son out loud until now.

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