The End

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The doctors came in and helped Sidney and Dewey. Gale and Gabbie returned to their room. They all had to stay at the hospital for a few more days to make sure they were all stable.

The doctors discharged them all and they went to Gale and Dewey's house. They all crowd on the big couch in the living room. Gabbie sat on Gale's lap Dewey and Sid sat on each side of them. Gabbie laid her head back on Gale's good shoulder. Gale wraps her arms around Gabbie.

"Before we watch the movie, we have to talk about what happened." Gale tells Gabbie and Dewey and Sid agree.

"I'm sure you know this, but none of us wanted you to ever go through those killings." Gale tells Gabbie.
"I know." Gabbie mutters while playing with Gale's hair.

"We all love you so much and want to keep you safe all the time." Dewey adds.
"We know that it's gonna be hard to cope with. You're young, way too young to witness these murders." Sidney adds.
"Is there any specific thing that happened that you want to talk about?" Gale asks.

"Why Sidney and you guys? Why do they want you?" Gabbie asks.
"They want me because the first ever killers in 1996 killed my mom too. Ever since them, everyone wants to get to me." Sidney explains.
"I'm sorry for your loss. I don't know what I would do without my mama." Gabbie smiles up at Gale.
Gale smiles back.

"They want me and your mom because we're the only ones besides Sidney that survived all of the killings." Dewey explains.
"I don't think that it's fair that Sid is wanted because of her mom and you guys because you're still alive."

"I know it sucks." Gale tells Gabbie.
"What about me? Did Jill want me because I'm your kid and your technically my auntie?" Gabbie asks.
"Maybe, but no matter what, we will not let you become a victim." Dewey says.
"Ok." Gabbie says.

"Anymore questions?" Sid asks.
"Will it happen again?" Gabbie asks.
"We don't know." Sidney answers.
"I hope it doesn't."
The three of them nod their head in agreement.

"Can we watch the movie now?" Gabbie asks.
"Sure." Dewey says before turning on a movie.

The three of them have a good time watching the movie.

The movie finishes and they all talk to each other about the movie.
"I loved it!" Gabbie exclaims and the three of them laugh at her and nodded in agreement.

Gale whispers in Gabbie's ear, "I love you."
Gabbie smiles and grabs onto Gale's hands.
"I love you too." Gabbie whispers back.

Sid and Dewey smile at the mother and daughter duo.
"How's your stomach doing, kiddo?" Dewey asks Gabbie.
"It only hurts when you touch it."
"Ok." Dewey nods.

They order in dinner and eat together in the dinning room. They finish the meal and Sidney has to leave.
"Bye Gabbie." Sidney says as she crouches down to hug Gabbie.
"Bye, I love you Aunt Sid." Gabbie hugs her back.
"I love you too." Sid smiles to herself.
They let go of the hug shortly after.

Sidney hugs Gale and Dewey quickly than leaves their house. Gabbie, Dewey, and Gale all get ready for bed.

Gabbie's bedroom

Gabbie changes into pajamas and brushes her teeth before heading to her bed. She sits in her bed and waits for her parents to come in.

Dewey and Gale both enter her room. They both sit next to Gabbie on the edge of her bed.
"Can I see your belly?" Gale asks.
"Yeah." Gabbie slowly lifts her shirt.

Gale lightly brushes her finger over in and starts to tear up.
"What's wrong mommy?" Gabbie asks.
"I'm so sorry, my sweet babygirl." Gale tells Gabbie.
"It's not your fault." Dewey tells Gale.
"I know, I just can't believe Jill did this to our baby." Gale mutters.

Gabby sits up and hugs her mom and dad.

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