Introduction - A mysterious connection

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?-"Are we connected?"

Of course, I answered.

Player-"Yes. I think"

?-"Excellent, truly excellent." The voice answered before adding: "This world needs you. But to interact with it, you need to create a Vessel. Your soul is useless without a Vessel."

Player-"A vessel?" 

That word picked my interest. What could it means?

?-"A body. To hear, to speak, to feel, to see, to touch. Connect senses to your soul. Who knows, maybe, maybe it will help you having friends."

Like if the time was counted, the mysterious voice was in a hurry.

?-"Create your vessel now, select the body you like the most, the colors of the clothes, its gift. You can also select the blood type if that matter to you."

It is hard to explain how I made the different choices, it was like telepathy with that voice, helping me to do them.

It was done, I had a body to move, a vessel.

?-"May you become a savior for the world. Goodbye. We may meet again. It promises to be very, very interesting." the voice added finally as a blinding light filled the room along the sound of a computer booting up.

Player-"Where am I?" 

It was hard to wake up after that blinding light flash. My eyes still itching.

I was about to open them when suddenly a new voice started to talk to me. That voice in contrast of the previous one in the darkness which was masculine, was feminine, with a kind of tenderness when talking.

Angel-"Welcome, my child. I am the Angel. I am the goddess of this universe. Before opening your eyes, I hope that my appearance will not disturb you.

You may have another idea about how a divinity look like. After all, maybe it isn't the first world you travel to?"

I decided to open my eyes after those words, and what I saw was indeed strange, some may call it scary, some other, surrealist.

Indeed, the goddess calling herself the Angel, didn't had legs. Displaying a feature of classical angels that is wings, the resemblance stops here. The head, was a big demonic eye that, you could say is reading into your soul. The goddess was wearing a dark mantle, from which two hands comes out. Hands are a big word, for in fact, two scythes blades. The absent legs letting a place for a pyramidal shadow crystal with reflections, forming the bottom of her body.

Angel-"My appearance inspired many engravings and a rune that some persons call the Delta Rune. But that isn't the subject sorry. You may wonder where we are... and it is understandable.

-We are currently, in my Dark World, the Citadel of the Angel. And I am honored to welcome you here."

Player-"Dark what? Please, explain because I am totally lost and I don't really understand what I am meant to do".

Angel-"Sigh. I knew this man was in a hurry but he could have gave you a few tips. But fear not, me, the omniscient Angel will answers your questions and clear the fog in your mind. Let me tell you the prophecy."

I sat down to listen to the Angel, it was time to learn more about this world and maybe my destiny.

Angel-"Once upon a time, a LEGEND was whispered among shadows.


It was a LEGEND of DARKNESS. It was a LEGEND of FEAR.

This is the legend of DELTA RUNE

For millennia, LIGHT and DARK have lived in balance, and harmony.

One WORLD for everyone.

But one day it shattered... and the ANGEL cried.

Blinded by the LIGHTS... The DARKNESS fled away.

Many scarified themselves...To protect the FOUNTAIN OF DARKNESS,

Two worlds now existed.

But one day, filled with despair...

Three SAVIORS will appear.


Only they can open the fountains

And banish the DEVIL'S light.

Only then will balance be restored,And the WORLD saved from destruction.

Today, the dark world lost form-

The fountains can bring it back-Standing tall at the center of the kingdom,

A LIGHT beam linked to the DARK CASTLE appeared...

And with it, the balance of LIGHT and DARK begins to shift.

This is the legend of the Delta Rune".

Player-"So it is about the balance between light and dark?"

Angel-"This legend is also a duty of memory. Not forgetting that once, the harmony existed. Originally, I ruled over one world.

-But a calamity occurred, leading to this world being separated in two. The Light world and the Dark World. And we are in the Dark World currently."

Player-"I don't see why the prophecy mention fountains."

Angel-"You see my child, even if that original world shattered in two, there are still remnants, links. Those fountains allow someone to travel from a world to another.

-The fountains also give form to the Dark World, that is why they must be protected. The citizens of the light world are called Lightners, and us, Darkners.

-Sorry if it is a lot to proceed. Explore the citadel and come back to me when you are ready! No pressure. After all I already waited some times before you arrive."

It is true it is a lot of info, and so I decided to take a tour of the citadel.

The citadel were hexagon shaped, like classical castles, the walls were made of grey stone bricks. In the middle, a church, with a tower displaying at its summit a shadow crystal and the Delta Rune symbol on it.

The citadel had trees reminding red japanese maples and a few bushes. Of course there were some houses, most of them empty.

A feeling of serenity and peacefulness could be felt here, a sunset sun at the horizon that never goes down or up, and a sea of clouds varying from orange to purple taints. This citadel being like a floating island on them.

The houses were quite recent, so I thought that maybe the Angel learned only recently that I would come. What is sure is that I am now implied in some kind of prophecy and that I must ask the Angel about my destiny.

This is interesting. This new place somehow made me feel some nostalgia.

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