Chapter 9 - A former celebrity

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Queen-"Now, we might - enjoy ourselves.

-Let's eat - and drink as we speak"

Said politely the queen as the word "NICE" is displayed on her visor.

Player-"What's on the menu?"

Queen-"We have - CD bagel, Big Shot Bowtie, But Juice, Spaghetti Code, Check-mark jelly, Clicker cookie... and of course my favorite, battery acid. MMMhhhh."

Player-"I will take a Big Shot Bowtie and a But Juice."

Gerson-"A check-mark jelly please."

Angel-"You know what, give me some of your bottle of battery acid."

Queen-"Here you go. Wow, a fan of battery acid? A pleasure."

As the angel drink through her armored vessel the acid cup, surprisingly, nothing happened. The knight doesn't really have a mouth, indeed, it is just a grid in its face protecting a star, and the liquid, just somehow just absorbed by the star.

Angel-"Why looking at me like that? It's a magical armor haha, not afraid of acid. Nice taste, a bit spicy."

Queen-"Glad you like it. Now tell - Why are you here? To close the fountain?" as "I don't know" appear on her face.

Angel-"On the contrary, to ask you double the defense of it, the Lightners will be here soon. To end the existence of your world. 

-In the card kingdom, owned by the king, we also found a shadow crystal by following its signal, its resonance, it was owned by a little jester, that enjoy chaos."

Queen-"That clown! My husband, the king, brought him here one time, and he caused havoc in the mansion, Tasque manager still remember.

What are those - crystals - you are speaking of?"

Angel-"Holy artifacts, owned by me, who created those worlds, they are allowing me to see the truth, the destiny, consequences of choices... but I'm fearing that in wrong ends, it just drive the owner crazy, I have no idea how someone stole me some.

Have you noticed anyone with a strange behavior lately?"

Queen was looking into her memory, displaying loading wheel, after a minute, two exclamation points.

Queen-"I used to welcome in my mansion an addison, he was quite good at making deal at a point he was always at the receiver of his phone. But one day..."

-His business stopped working, the downfall, he was about to be expelled of the mansion, but already left, another addison reported to me that the phone in his room was still hanging, a voice able to be heard, but when on ear, just garbage noises."

Gerson-"Any idea where we can found him?"

Swatch-"Not necessary, for some reason, that individual already tried to infiltrate the mansion in order to get into the basement, maybe we can ambush him?"

Queen-"No, hmm. Where was his shop before? You know, the one with cars.... hmmm?"

Swatch-"In the trash area my Queen, but it is quite far from here."

Queen-"Good thing I placed a teleportation door in my hall!"

Player-"Oh! You have one perfect. We could go pay him a visit."

Swatch-"Be careful, we don't know how time may have affected him since the eviction..."

We prepared ourselves to look for that salesman as we start quitting our chairs.

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