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march, 2019

Ivy had waited for that final bell to ring like she was in line for a concert. Every passing second had become more anticipated and frustrating. She didn't have softball or cheer practice today, finally able to make her way home to relax. Her schedule had always seemed filled with sports, whether it was hers or one of the three Hughes brothers, she never seemed to catch a break.

When the bell rang after her economics class, Ivy was rushing out the door and down to her locker. It was a Friday and most teens at her school were in just as much of a hurry as she was to get out. Stuffing her books into her bag, Ivy tossed it over her shoulder.

"Whatcha doin' this weekend?" She felt an arm link in hers, looking over to see the only person in school who she believed liked her for more than her social status.

"Let's see, sleeping, sleeping, homework, sleeping, Luke's got a game and then, oh yeah, sleeping." Ivy answered, far too exhausted for her own wellbeing.

Ellie let out a prolonged whine, "so no boyfriend?"

"Nope, he's been a bit MIA this last week. I think the season ending got to him but—"

"Ivy! Keys!" She rolled her eyes, digging into her pockets and tossing the keys to the blond. "Thanks you!" There wasn't much Jack could do anymore that she'd question, him running down the hall and out the front door; that didn't faze her.

"But I don't want to smother him if thats not what he wants." Ellie was too preoccupied on Jack to process what Ivy was saying.

"Does he know he's actually the cutest?" Ellie giggled, watching as Jack apologized to each person he bumped into on his way out.

Ivy squinted, staring at the boy who she had seen at his worst and best. Dorky cute, sure, but she couldn't really see him the way other girls would. Especially not when she was so head over heels for his brother that she couldn't care to pay attention to another guys looks.

"Tell him that."

Ellie's head shook immediately, "nope. Let's get back to the Quinn talk." That was an easy way to get Ivy to change subject, she could talk about Quinn for hours. She undoubtedly has talked about Quinn for hours.

Most girls they went to school with didn't like Ivy because of that. They didn't like that she had been dating a college hockey player drafted first round in the NHL. Ivy doubted they even knew anything about him other than the words, hockey, college and NHL.

They definitely didn't know that he couldn't sleep with the door open. That the smell of fresh cut grass made him sneeze. That he preferred tea over coffee and how he liked it prepared. They definitely didn't know that he had freckles on his stomach, not a lot but enough that she wanted to take a pen and connect them.

Ivy knew it all, she knew too much but never enough for her liking.

Ivy wound up in a rant about how much she missed Quinn, having not seen him since his last game. They hadn't been able to catch each other for longer than an hour long face time before bed lately. Between her AP classes and sports and his college classes, they never seemed to have time for each other.

Sometimes, Ivy felt as if Quinn was purposefully avoiding her. Before his hockey season had ended at a sour loss, Quinn did anything he could to talk to her. He practically studied their schedules for a space between. He drove home when he could to see her, even if she had homework or practice, he'd find a way to be beside her.

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