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Ivy hated hangovers, they were a big part to why she rarely drank. They'd always hit her hard and she refused to leave her bed after a night out. Except, she hadn't woken up in her bed.

And she sure as hell wasn't alone in the one she was in.

Please don't be a random—she wished it was a random person after rolling over. It was Quinn. She woke up in Quinns bed with him shirtless beside her. The panic that she'd done something so stupid as to have had slept with him made her want to run. Except, she was clothed.. in his clothes, that didn't help her thoughts.

She would've remembered if she slept with him, right? Ivy wasn't that drunk, she could remember moments from the uber home and texting Jack.


Ivy slipped from beneath the covers, sneaking into the bathroom and continuing to Jacks room. She walked in without a care that he and Ellie were cuddled together in bed. Ivy joined, laying on top of the two with a groan.

"Jack." She whispered, poking his face and he swatted away her hand.

"V, I'm sleeping." Jack whined, cuddling closer into Ellie's chest.

"Jack, I think I did something stupid."

"You didn't sleep with him." Ellie mumbled, her eyes peaking open. "We would've heard."

"I feel like an idiot for going to bed with him, though." Ivy rolled off of Jack, feeling his growing irritation.

"You two should just kiss and make up." Jack muttered against Ellie, who flicked his forehead for the comment.

"You know I can't do that." Ivy retorted, sitting up with an aggravated sigh. "There's too much history and too much that happened and—I wish I could just forget it all and start over with him."

"Then start over." Jack gave up on trying to sleep, sitting up with wild curls sticking out in every direction. "Quinn leaves tonight. So, you can do something now or wait but if you really want it that bad, then you gotta tell him." For someone who had just woken up, his words made more sense than anything.

"He leaves tonight?" And suddenly, Ivy was wishing she had never come home. Now she was here and Quinn was leaving, again and things had just seemed to be getting good.

"Yeah, we only had a few days break. I leave tomorrow morning." Jack told her with a frown, Ivy glanced to Ellie who didn't seem too fazed by it.

"Fuck." Ivy muttered, forcing herself up from the bed. "Fuck, okay." She walked towards the bathroom door again, the pair watching her with curious eyes.

"What're you doing?" Ellie asked, sitting up and the blankets fell to her legs.

Ivy sucked in a breath, "I don't know."

Walking into Quinn's room, he was awake, still curled in the blankets, scrolling through the notifications on his phone. Ivy stopped at the door, looking at him without a clue as to what she wanted. He turned off his phone to face her, sitting up slightly against the headboard.

"Good morning, how's the hangover?" Quinn asked, combing a hand through his unusually long hair.

"It's fine." She answered all too quickly, "we didn't.."

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