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i reserved tickets for tomorrow's game
if you wanna come

of course i wanna come!
i miss watching you play and i
haven't been to a game in years

good :)
theres 5 ticket's since my mom and
dad cant make it to the game so
bring whoever you want


hes got his ticket

okay!! i dont have friends sooo
it'll be me, el, and my cat lol

what about that guy you work with?

idk if i should bring him

does he not like hockey?

he likes it
its just im not sure if it would be okay

are you dating him?

i was gonna tell you, i just didn't know how

its fine lol
you could still bring him

thank you q

"Should you be wearing a red wings jersey?" Jessie asked, raising a brow and the two girls as they walked alongside him. Ellie rolled her eyes, tossing an arm over Ivy's shoulder.

"We gotta represent our boy, don't we, Ives?" Ellie teased, winking to her best friend.

"Did you two intend to start a fight?" They smiled as Luke walked up beside them, wearing a hoodie with neither teams on it.

"At least we came in one teams colors." Ivy retorted, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her canucks sweater. Quinn had gifted it to her after he was drafted, it had sat in her closet collecting dust since.

Luke rolled his eyes, glancing to the man at her side, "Jessie." He squinted to the man, then let out a light chuckle.

"Nice to see you again, Luke." Jessie responded, his brows scrunching to the younger who had already turned his attention away from him.

"Wheres the rest of the goon squad?" Ellie asked, attempting to diffuse the tension the teen created.

"Getting snacks." Luke answered, "did you wanna see Quinn before he goes out?"

Ivy froze, knowing exactly what Luke was doing. She hadn't told Jessie about Quinn, or how she had acquired tickets to the game. She was hoping Luke could manage to keep his mouth shut for a few hours, but should've known otherwise.

"No." Ivy responded far too quickly, taking longer strides to get to their seats before Luke could say anything else.

They got to their seats, Ivy sitting between Jessie and Ellie. He phone buzzed repeatedly, but she could see Luke typing away on his phone and knew it was him. She couldn't open it, not with Jessie beside her.

𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 qᵘⁱⁿⁿ ʰᵘᵍʰᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now