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Ivy sat behind the receptionist desk at her job, spinning boredly in her chair as she waited for someone to come in. It had surprisingly been a slow day, allowing her to let a few of the kittens out behind her to roam. One had crawled on her lap, falling asleep as her chair moved.

"How are you not dizzy? I'm dizzy from watching you." Ivy pressed her feet to the ground, stopping her chair from moving.

"That's cause you have a weak stomach. I'm not a—shit." Ivy winced as a kitten climbed up her leg, claws stabbing into her skin.

Jesse laughed, "what were you gonna call me?" He teased, leaning over her desk and reaching for the clipboard. "Wanna feed the dogs with me?" He asked, setting it back onto her desk.

"I don't know, I'm in kitty heaven right now so.." she grinned, not wanting to disturb the small cat sound asleep on her lap.

"Fine, I'll go cuddle pumpkin by myself then." Jesse shrugged, taking the kennel keys from his pocket and making his way to the dog room.

The next hour of her shift before lunch had slowly gained more attraction, people hoping to adopt coming in and Ivy willingly let them greet the animals. By the time her lunch had come around, Ivys stomach was growling. She hadn't brought anything, and she wasn't sure if she had time to go anywhere.

"Hungry?" Jesse asked, as if he could read her mind.

"Eh, I'll be fine." She shrugged and he rolled his eyes, opening his locker to reveal the stash of snacks he had stuffed inside.

"Pick your poison, Ivy." Jesse laughed, "that wasn't supposed to be a pun but—"

"Oh, shut it, you dork." Ivy giggled, walking over to the locker and lightly shoving his shoulder. She took out a gronala bar and a bag of chips, bidding him a quick thank you.

They sat on their phones for a majority of their lunch, keeping a peaceful silence between them until Jesse decided to break it.

"So, um, a few of my friends were planning on going out to a bar and getting drunk enough to sing some karaoke.. would you want to come with?" Jesse asked, scratching at the sleeves of his sweater.

"I love karaoke." Ivy stated with a smile, "I'm in."

"He so likes you!" Ellie danced around the room, "Ivy's got a boyfriend!" She sang out as if she were in middle school and not a business major.

"I do not! He's my boss." Ivy retorted, carefully applying her mascara.

"Oh, an forbidden romance. I'm so telling Jack—"

"No!" Ivy nearly smacked the phone out of her hand, "don't tell Jack."

Ellie rose a brow at her best friend, shortly before forming a tight knit smirk, "afraid he'll tell Quinn?" She asked, picking up her phone that landed on the carpet.

"Why should I care what Quinn thinks?" Ivy mumbled, turning back towards her mirror with a look that Ellie saw right through.

The blonde rolled her eyes, unlocking her phone and choosing to ignore the question she found completely stupid. Ellie had seen Quinn and Ivy, from start to finish. She witnessed them fall in love, she held Ivy through the heartbreak. That same heartbreak that she knew would never fully heal.

Thirty minutes later and Ivy was walking into a karaoke bar she had never heard of. It was new, decorated with led's and pride flags. She was nervous before seeing the interior, afraid it would be some sketchy bar and not a place where she could see herself going all the time.

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