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🤍 liked by _quinnhughes and 4,379 othersivymorgs missed my girl lots <3

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🤍 liked by _quinnhughes and 4,379 others
ivymorgs missed my girl lots <3

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username im so happy you're finally home 🥺

username ELLIE!! i miss her and jack in the vlogs they were so funny

jackhughes ELL BELLS
ellieburkart JACK ATTACK

username plz post video soon

username besties fr omg

🤍 liked by ivymorgs and 936 othersellieburkart pov, the alcohol starts tasting like "whered i get a cake pop"

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🤍 liked by ivymorgs and 936 others
ellieburkart pov, the alcohol starts tasting like "whered i get a cake pop"

view all 104 comments...

ivymorgs but fr wherd i get ths cakrpop
ellieburkart babe 😭

username so glad shes having fun 🥹

jackhughes wheres my cakepop
ivymorgs I HAVR MORE

username forgot how much i love this friendship

username puck bunnies fr 😭

Ivy stumbled up to the window, Ellie giggling at her side. They were both too drunk to feel how cold they were, neither wearing coats when they left for the club. It was like they were teenagers again, too drunk for their own good trying to sneak into the house.

Except, they weren't outside Ivys bedroom, rather, tapping on the glass of Jacks.

"Open up you—"

"Ellie, shush." Jack hushed her as he slid the window open, letting out a short laugh at the two.

"I have a bottle." Ellie offered the bottle of whiskey she'd managed to leave the bar with. "And Ives has to pee."

"Piss in the snow." Jack joked, reaching his arms out to help the two inside. Ivy raised a brow, looking at the snow, "don't actually." He laughed, pulling Ellie inside then helping Ivy in.

"Cake pops." Ivy tossed him the bag that she was still a bit unsure of getting. Jacks room had changed since she'd last been in it, a little less horny teenage boy and a little more all-star hockey player.

Ivy pointed to the bathroom and he nodded, letting her walking into the joint bathroom he'd shared with Quinn. She stumbled inside, giggling as she fell against the sink. She wasn't a drinker, so after a few shots she was gone.

She went to the bathroom, humming as she did so, then struggled to get herself back up. She fell into the door, then stumbled up to the sink to wash her hands.

"Jack, the hell are you—" the door opened and Quinn froze.

"Q!" Ivy splashed the water from her hands, flinging her arms around the shirtless man. His hair was wild, as if he'd just woken up, which he had.

"Hey, V.." Quinn stood, confused and stiff from her drunken affection.

"I went out with Ellie for drinks." Ivy stated, tearing herself away only to stumble backwards.

Quinn caught her before she fell, "I see that." He mumbled, holding his hand at the small of her back in case she fell again. "Why are you here?" He asked softly, though he was glaring slightly at his brothers door.

"Jacky wanted cake pops and Ellie wanted to see him." Ivy's smile didn't falter once, too far gone to see anything but how good Quinn was looking. "You're very handsome." She poked his nose and his face scrunched.

"You think so?"

"Mhm, the handsomest man." He let out a light laugh at the poor grammar. "And look! Your arms got so big and—" she let her hands squeeze his bare biceps, face burning at the touch of them.

"Alright, you are really drunk." Quinn mumbled, removing her hands from his body and she pouted.

"We could have sex." She stated and his eyes went wide, nearly choking on his own breath.

"Ivy, you're drunk. Way too drunk, if you're suggesting that." Quinn told her, taking a step back from her. He couldn't believe she'd suggest that, even while this intoxicated.

"So? I'm a lot better than I was when I was seventeen." His head shook, eyes wandering to anything but her. "And you've probably gotten better, it could be fun."

"Ivy, I'm not having sex with you right now." He muttered, wishing she would just stop.

"Fine." Ivy huffed, "can I sleep here? I just wanna be with you." Her smile fell and she was now on the verge of tears.

"You can sleep here." Quinn sighed out, she nodded slow, doing her best to walk to his room. He followed her closely, making sure she didn't fall as her coordination was worse than a baby in ice skates.

Ivy sat on the edge of his bed, "did you ever miss me?" She mumbled, words slurred.

"All the time."

"I missed you." She was now crying, "I loved you so much, Q. I never understood why you didn't love me the same."

"V.." Quinn wanted to cry with her, "I love you so much. I was an idiot teenager, I made a mistake and I regret it all the time." He wiped her tears as he spoke, watching her eyes light up.

"You still love me?"

"It's never going away."

𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 qᵘⁱⁿⁿ ʰᵘᵍʰᵉˢWhere stories live. Discover now