part 2

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The final school bell rings signaling that its okay to finally go home. I slowly walk myself home without taking my eyes off my phone. But before I can move out of the way I collide with a boy and fall on the ground, and manage to drop my phone and yank the ear buds out of my ear. Boy: "Oh my god!! Sorry. I wasn't paying attention" I immediately know he can't be serious so I just smirk and roll my eyes. "Nah its cool I wasn't paying attention either" He helps me off the ground and picks up my phone and hands it back to me. "What are you listening to?" He asks while staring at my phone. "Oh uhh. . ." The boy raises his eyebrows. I hesitate before deciding to continue. "Its uh. . . its kids in the dark. . ." There is NO way someone as cute as him could know what that is. I rethink what I just said and realize I had started to hold my breath. "I love that song! I live for all time low." He says practically smirking. As I try to control my stutter I say "R-really? Me t-too" The boy smiles and says "I figured." He points to my phone like I'm stupid "oh uh yeah. W-well I better s-start heading h-home." I try not to notice how he seems a little disappointed and start to walk away. "See you tomorrow y/n!!" I spin around as I hear my name "You know my name??" He smirks and says, "we have math together, two seats behind me, of course I know your name." Oh. Yeah. Cute math class guy. Duh. I try to chuckle a little but it probably ended up sounding like a dying animal. "Oh duh! S-see you tomorrow in math I guess" He waves and turns around to leave. Finally. Tomorrow I won't have to motivate myself to get out of bed. I turn and look at him walking the other way. I realize that for the first time in a few years, I have something to look forward to.

English Love Affair (a 5sos fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now