Inverted Deck (Chapter 22)

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Chapter 22

"Robin? Hood? And you use a bow." I murmur as Robin pulls me up over the ledge. "Heh so what, you steal from the rich to give to the poor?" I jest.

"Yeah actually, are you sure we haven't met before today??" Robin asks.

"You can't be serious. This has to be some crazy coincidence... right?" I think.

"Wait, so that back there was..." I begin.

"Yup. That's my job, stealing from rich pricks, like Prince Adam back there and giving back to the poverty in the Urbs Court, to the ones who really need it. Restoring the order, the balance of this Court." Robin replies, as we begin to walk away from the ledge. "And you know, keeping a little of the Eu to myself of course."

"For my father's ribs I'm guessing huh?"

Robin laughs.

"Yes, that too, speaking of which be sure to tell him that there amazinggg, best in all of the Kingdom of Cor I'd even say."

"Haha, yea I'll be sure to tell him that, I think he'd be very pleased with that information."

Then it hits me, the realization of leaving on bad terms with my father, the memories of him striking my cheek, I can still feel the slight tinge on the outside of my mouth.

"What's wrong? I dig up some bad memories or something?" Robin asks as we leap to the next rooftop.

"Nah nah, it's nothing, but a better question is what's up with those eyes of yours?" I reply attempting to change the subject.

"What'd you say?" Robin's face completely changes as she briefly looks back at me.

"Wha- no no, sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything and if that's, you know, personal you don't have to-!"

"You don't know what these eyes are? And you've got a nexus?" She replies

I stare at her for a second in a mix of confusion and inability to figure out what to say.

"Did you hit your head or something?" Robin asks.

"Uh yeah, this morning actually."

"Wait so you've got... amnesia or something?" She asks.

"Yeah, temporal amnesia at least, I remember some main things but not everything you know? I was on a mission this morning and hit my head pretty hard." I reply.

"Oh wow that's... that's crazy. So you really don't know anything about Observer's Eyes?"

"I don't even know what that is ma'am."

Robin sighs.

"Do I feel like explaining that?" Robin asks herself aloud.

"Hey you owe me, I saved you, if I never used my skill-!"

"HA! And if I never used my Aetas, you would've gotten torn to shreds, so I'd say we're even."

"You're Aetas?"

Robin sighs once more.

"Aetas. Astrium. These eyes have been called many names for millennia, but since ancient times my people have called it one name: Stargazers."

"Astrium. That's what my mother said earlier today." I think.

Robin suddenly stops and opens her hand and holds it out in front of me.

I instinctively do the same.

Suddenly a large, bright purple and sparkly wave of Aether burst from her palm, a little larger than an apple. I try to mimic her pushing Aether out my own hand but instead get the exact opposite, a tiny burst of black Aether, about the same size as a acorn.

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