Inverted Deck (Chapter 29)

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Chapter 29

I blink and I'm back inside of the cellar of our diner. I look down to see the Twilight Fang wedged into my chest just as I seen in that wacky vision. It's... growling, steadily sliding itself in my chest, yet I feel no pain, only power, immense power that's been asleep for centuries, maybe even longer. The more Twilight Fang inches itself in my chest, the more the Shroud Scale inches itself along my flesh and suddenly I begin to see flashes, memories, not belong to me, and something tells me they don't belong to Finn either.

A giant tree with white glowing leaves surrounded by darkness.

A blonde woman with porcelain skin and big bright blue eyes, in a silk shawl, clinging to my left arm with a huge smile on her blushed pinkish red face as she looks up at me intensly.

Another woman, skin darker than mine, bright yellow and red flaming hair and glowing yellow eyes, holding a three bladed flaming sword. Her face is the opposite of the previous woman, angry, eyes full of rage as she looks down upon me from the sky above.

The blonde woman from before is holding my hand on her stomach with her tear soaked face and eyes full of red. A soft, big stomach, she's... pregnant.

"Whose... memories are these?? Do they belong to that dark being in that vision?" I think.


My mothers voice screaming my name pulls me out of my trance.

She holds her hand out.

"DIVIDED AUTH-!!"  She begins.

I shoot my palm pit making a gesture signaling her to stop.

"I'M IN NO PAIN!" I yell out to her.

She puts her hand down.

I look down to see Twilight Fang has submerged itself almost fully inside of my chest, it's now down to the black handle.

The Shroud Scale quickly covers my face entire face, I quickly inhale and hold my breath as it covers my mouth and nose area.

Just then, Twilight Fang's handle shoots itself into my chest, attracting all of the Shroud Scale as it instantly shrivels back down to that mark on the side of my stomach.

I drop down to my knees as it feels as if my heart has increased its weight sixfold.


My mother rushes to my side.

"Judgement Call!!" She says as she touches my side.

Immediately I feel much lighter, almost back to how I felt before.

"What did you d-!" I begin to ask.

"That matters not, we need to go see your father immediately!" My mother interjects with a face full of a mixture of shock and worry. "You're... him. I can't believe it but it's actually you. But why!? Why you and why now!?"

"Why what, Ma'?" I ask.

"Ma'? We need to go now, come with me." My mother says as she firmly grabs my arm and pulls me along to a large room in the back.

"There's ANOTHER room!?" I ask.

My mother activates the lights in the room to reveal an empty room with nothing but a large circle drawn in the center of the floor with a large Spade symbol in the center, surrounded by hundreds of Runes.

"This circle, I've seen it before. I've seen two people travel through it before as if it were some kind of portal. Only thing is, their's was glowing and floating yet this looks like it was just drawn in chalk, some time ago at that." I say.

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