7- Babylon-3

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Running through a forest made of stone and gravel, a young Onyx chuckled as he moved swiftly through the grey and silver colors that surrounded him. As he ran, he stopped and bent over, catching his breath for a moment. Standing up straight again, he looked up and slowly spun in a circle, admiring the jungle that he was in.

Suddenly, a figure tackled him and laughed. As he got up, he looked to his side to see his sister. The smile on her face and the gleam in her eye told him all he needed to know, she was happy.

Smiling, Onyx got up and helped his sister up as well. Looking around and admiring the landscape surrounding them, the two kept walking deeper into the jungle.

And quickly, out of nowhere, five Rockatrayen Frogs hopped by, catching Sapphire's attention. As she watched and played with the frogs, Onyx continued walking deeper and deeper.

As he made his way through the grey leaves, he came upon what he was truly there for. The Patch. The only place on their planet that had real green grass. And at the center of the patch, was a singular blue flower. As he approached the fenced area, he looked at the flower with awe.

Looking down at his hands, he began climbing the fence. But as he did, his sister put her hand on his shoulder.

"We can't...," she said, giving him a sad face.

Getting down from the fence, the two made their way back to their home. As he walked away, he looked back at The Patch and smiled.


Waking up, Onyx rubbed his eyes and sat up. He looked over at the mirror in his room and saw the confused look on his face. That dream, it didn't seem real yet he remembered it.

But he quickly brushed it off, as he needed to get up. Walking over to the mirror, he would look at his damaged suit. He was still wearing the same thing he wore when he arrived on Earth, he needed something new.

As he left his room, he began walking around. He quickly noticed that the soft whir of the engine was off, and he seemed to be alone. Which could only mean they made it to their destination.

As he walked toward the exit, he stopped, and looked over at the table that was in the common room. Sitting there was a pile of Cosmo Coins. Smirking, he grabbed them and ran out of the ship.

As he exited, his eyes were immediately met with the sight of a large bustling city nestled inside an ever-moving asteroid.

Beginning his way into the city from the port where their ship was parked, he instantly became fascinated. There were hundreds of races and species of strange and unique beings that inhabited the galaxy. Some he recognized but most he didn't.

There were strange pink aliens joking around with each other and changing their shapes. He saw large, muscular golden aliens that looked like they were wearing helmets. They stood around a table in silence. As he kept moving, he saw a pair of tall, skinny, green aliens talking, and as he got closer he overheard their conversation, something about their queen finally being taken down.

Shaking his head, he kept walking until he saw a vendor with four arms and brown scales. Curious, he walked over and took a look. The vendor was yelling out to people, trying to get them to buy his armor. Freshly crafted from some of the strongest metals in the galaxy.

Intrigued, Onyx approached him.

"You're selling protection?" he asked, quite interested in buying some.

Looking over at him, the four armed being sported a wide grin on his face. "Ah yes! Some armor that has been freshly crafted and sports a unique design!"

Reaching into a cabinet, he pulled out a chest plate that was black in color with dark blue design of three stars that glowed. That immediately caught his eye.

Looking up at the vendor, Onyx pulled out the Cosmo Coins he had pocketed. "How much?" He asked, determined to get some armor.

"I'll make you a deal. You give me all those coins, and I'll throw in gauntlets, boots, and leg padding with it!" the vendor bargained, folding his arms.

"You got yourself a deal!" Onyx excitedly agreed, placing all the coins on the table. Chuckling, the vendor reached into the cabinet and grabbed everything else.

As he laid every piece of armor onto the table, Onyx grabbed each piece and put it on. Admiring himself afterward, he thanked the vendor and walked off, seeing a bar in the distance.

Shrugging, he approached it, asking for a drink. But when the bartender handed him the drink, he demanded a few coins, which he didn't have.

Suddenly, a strange red being appeared next to Onyx and placed a few coins on the counter. "I'll pay for his drink," the alien said. He had red fur, four horns on his head, red eyes, and two large leathery wings.

"Oh, uhm, thank you," Onyx replied, taking a sip of his drink.

Ignoring the comment from Onyx, the alien looking at Onyx. "I couldn't help but notice your looks. The skin, the hair, the getup. You're most certainly not human, so what are you?" he asked, curiously looking him up and down.

"Oh, well I'm from Titol, I'm Rockatrayen. I don't know where it is in relation to this outpost but uh... yea, there's your answer," Onyx replied, walking away with his drunk and a confused look on his face.

As he walked away, the red alien had a look of confusion on his face as well. And as he was about to say something, the confusion was swept away by a look of realization.

As Onyx finished his drink and continued deeper into the city, he stumbled onto a refinery where, coincidentally, the rest of his team was.

Walking inside, Onyx greeted them all, and they looked at him with awe.

"Sweet armor!" Ser exclaimed, moving over to Onyx and placing his hand on it. "Where'd you get it?"

"Some vendor was selling it so I bought some," Onyx replied, thankful for the compliments.

Suddenly, the refinery machine was done, and the door made a hissing noise as the canisters of Hydrokyncein was revealed.

"What were you guys doing?" Onyx questioned.

"Refining the Hydrokyncein into crystals, it's a more profitable resource," Lux answered, loading the canisters onto a cart. "Let's go, we're done here."

As they finished, the team moved out, making their way back to the ship. Onyx was still fascinated by the whole place, and wanted to stay. But he needed to get back to his sister, and staying here wasn't gonna do much for him.

Reaching the ship, Onyx helped Lux and Guardian Babe load the canisters onto the storage bay, and took one last look at the surroundings he had found himself falling in love with, before entering the ship and preparing to take off.

As the ship did take off however, another ship did too. A smaller, jet-like fighter flew into the air, and followed Onyx and the crew unknowingly.

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