Chapter 3 : The return to Hogwarts

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Hermione got out of Knockdown Alley, she felt anxious as many people were staring at her. She made her way towards Gringotts to find the weasleys and Harry there. They seemed to have spotted her.

Molly : Hermione dear! Where were you? I was worried sick..Are you okay?

Hermione : Yes I'm fine Mrs.Weasley. Actually I didn't pronounce diagon alley correct and I ended up in Knockturn Alley!

"Brilliant!" Said Fred and George.

Molly : We were about to go inside, we were waiting for you and Ron, Percy and Charlie went looking for you. Speaking of which here they come now.

Mrs.Weasley points at the direction where Ron, Percy and Charlie came. They saw Hermione and went to her.

Ron : Blimey Hermione! Where were you? We were searching for you for ages..!

Hermione : I'm fine Ronald..I was in Knockdown Alley..

Percy : Knockdown Alley!? But how?

Hermione : Mispronounced Diagon Alley..

Harry : Mrs.Weasley, can we go in now?

Molly : Yeah, let's go everyone.

Everyone went inside Gringotts. The goblins were looking at them while they were passing through them to go to the main goblin.

Molly : Uhm..Vault for Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Authur Weasley please.

Goblin : Key?

They hand their key to the goblin.

Goblin : Right this way

He leads them into the train and gestures everyone to get in. After everyone got inside, the goblin drove the train to vault number 687. The goblin opened the lock for Harry and he went inside and stuffed some handful of galleons in his pocket and came out. They again went to weasleys vault. After everyone were done taking their gold, the goblin drove them back. Everyone took their keys from the goblin and stepped outside Gringotts.

Molly : Now first up, is the bookstore. Which I'm gonna go..Hermione and Ginny follow me. Boys, don't go anywhere just be here. We 3 will get your books too. Hand over your booklists.

They gave Mrs.Weasley their booklists and Harry gave his Galleons to Mrs.Weasley to buy for him and they all went  to sit under the shade.


Draco got out of Knockdown Alley. He felt miserable as he didn't want to hurt Hermione. But why...? Do I have a sort of affection with her? No! I can't!! She's a Mudblood..

As Draco was lost in his thoughts, someone shouted his name. He turned to look at them to see Blaise along with two pig-like wizards who were none other than Crabbe and Goyle. He went towards them.

Blaise : Hey man! How was Granger?

Draco : Very bad. I almost got control of her but a stupid man barged into the shop..

Crabbe : That sucks..Aren't we gonna go see some dark Objects to help us in our mission?

Draco : Wait, your coming with us?

Golye : Not only him, me too. Zabini asked us to come along with you guys. We too wanted some stuff if we're gonna take care of Dumbledore and Potter.

Draco : Alright, let's go then.

Blaise : But where? We have to go to Knockdown Alley. There's nothing in Diagon alley.

Goyle : Let's go to Borgin and Burkes.

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