Chapter 7 : The secret mission

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The week at Hogwarts had been a lot of pressure to Draco. He was unable to figure a way for the vanishing cabinet to work. Days had passed and Voldemort's deadline was near. Hermione grew more and more anxious as she realized she can't keep quiet anymore when Draco received an owl from his mother about the secret mission.

He had shown the letter to Hermione, who with trembling hands had unwrapped the paper and read hastily.

Dear Draco,
            How's it going with the vanishing cabinet? How is Hermione? The Dark Lord had found out that I have been sending letters to you informing about the meetings. Listen to me very carefully Draco. There's going to be 5 people in this mission to kill Dumbledore. They are gonna kill Dumbledore and then kidnap Hermione. There's a spy among you guys at school and they have been trying to get to Hermione. Whoever that spy is, you must find out before it's too late.


"Who could this spy be?" Hermione thought day and night. Could it be someone from Slytherin? Maybe Crabbe or Goyle? It's maybe time that she had to tell Harry and Ron. Perhaps even Dumbledore. But is it the right choice?

Hermione's head was blasting with curiosity when she didn't even bother to notice a happy Weasley coming inside the room.

"Hey Hermione! Guess what!?"
She asked toothfully.

Hermione asked already knowing the answer to the question.

"I've got a secret admirer and he's  asking me to meet up at the Astronomy tower tonight!"

"That's great Ginny"
Hermione said Half-heartedly.

"Whats wrong Hermione?"
Ginny asked worridly.

Hermione made up her mind. The only way they are going to protect Hogwarts is with teamwork. She decided not to stay quiet anymore. She went Out of the dormitory leaving a confused Weasley inside and hurried to find Harry and Ron.

Harry was sitting at his favorite couch near the fireplace while Ron was eating chocolate frogs. "Pig." Hermione thought.

Ron was so busy in eating that he did not even notice Hermione sitting next to harry. Of course Hermione wouldn't sit next to him, he's a bloody Cheater.

"Hey Hermione, do you mind helping me with the potions homework? Snape is getting on my nerves-"

"Sure Harry, but first I want to tell you guys something."
Hermione interrupted.

Ron stopped eating when Hermione gave him a "this-is-important-than-food" look.

Hermione sighed deeply and began to tell everything from the start. How Malfoy was threatening her to give information about Harry or he'll kill her parents, how she's been in love with Malfoy, how he's been doing his missions.

After 15 minutes of talking she finally finished and waited for their reactions. To her horror, no one really spoke. However Ron decided to speak very rudely to her.

"Your fucking the deatheater?!"
Ron roared.

"Honestly Ronald, why does it bother to you? He's better than a cheater who's made me cry a lot more lesser than you."
Hermione snapped at him.

"We need to tell this to Dumbledore. Now."
Harry said breaking into the conversation.

So they decided to go to the headmaster's office. Harry had said the password to the painting which didn't come as a surprise to Hermione as he's been coming here since 2nd year.

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