Chapter 5 : The mutual feelings

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Hermione returned to the common room to see Ron and Harry awake.

Hermione : Why aren't you guys asleep?

Ron : We should be asking you that, where have you been!?

Hermione : Library, for the S.P.E.W.

Harry yawned.
"Hermione, I'm sleepy and ron insisted me to be awake until you return."

Hermione scoffed.
"Ron, what is wrong with you? You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine."

Ron : Fine, but inform us before you go somewhere or we'll get worried sick!

Harry : Who's "we" here? Your the one who was worried, I told you she'll be alright.

Hermione giggled.
"Okay guys, let's go to bed now."

They all returned to their dormitories and went to sleep.


Draco returned to the Skytherin Common room. He saw Blaise near the fireplace.

Draco : Hey man, why aren't you asleep yet?

Blaise : I just got an owl from my parents, the Dark Lord wants to have a meeting with us about the progress?

Draco's eyes widened.
"Really, when?"

Blaise : This Sunday. That means day after tomorrow. The Dark Lord was kind to have a meeting on the day when we have no school. Speaking of which, how are we gonna get out of Hogwarts?

Draco thought for a while and said.
"We can go through the vanishing cabinet."

Blaise blinked.
"Sorry what cabinet?"

Draco : The vanishing cabinet, I discovered it in borgin and burkes. We can use the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirements and it can connect through the vanishing cabinet at Knockdown Alley.

Blaise smiled.
"Brilliant Draco. The Dark Lord will be proud of you."

Draco scoffed.
"I don't need his pleasure."

Blaise : By the way, how was Granger?

Draco grinned.
"She's brilliant, she gave me all the information. And all I had to do was be nice to her."

Blaise : Do you mean your kindness to her or is it an act?

Draco thought for a second.
"Of course, I mean it. I mean She's really pretty, smart, talented and the smartest witch of our generation."

Blaise gasped.

Draco : What?

Blaise : Are you....?

"Am I what!?" Draco asked madly.

"In love with her!"



Draco was still progressing what he heard. Was he in love with THE Hermione granger? It won't matter because even if he did, she wouldn't. He'd been really horrible to her in the past years, of course she wouldn't like him. He denied his feelings and got to his feet. He took a quill and ink with a piece of Parchment and wrote :

Dear Hermione,
              How are you? I hope your doing good. I was thinking since it's the Hogsmeade weekend, we should hang out. For me to get to know more about Potter. There is no need to reply back to this letter, meet me at the three broomsticks. And get Potter's invisibility cloak just in case.

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