Chapter 4 : The come-and-go room

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Everyone in the burrow were woken up by Mrs.Weasley who was banging at their doors loudly.

Fred : Mom, let us sleep! It's literally 8. The train leaves at 11.

George : Don't expect us to clean the entire home early in the morning mom.

Molly : Get up and come down for breakfast! Or you won't be getting any!! I don't understand what is wrong with you two. You keep complaining and everyone are already done getting reading and now they are eating!

George : Good for them mom.

Molly : No breakfast. 

The twins got up unwillingly and got ready while yawning continuously.

Authur  : Molly, I can't drop you all off at the platform. It's so hectic in the Ministry and they are demanding me to work overtime.

Molly : Well, Percy also got up early and left for the Ministry. Maybe, Charlie will help me drop them all off.

Harry : I have to tell you guys something.
Harry whispered to Ron and Hermione.

Ron : What is it, mate?

Harry : It's about the-

Harry was cut off when Mrs.Weasley shouted.

Molly : Everyone load your trucks in the car! We'll be leaving soon.

Harry : Nevermind, I'll tell you guys at the train.

Everyone got up and helped eachother to load their trucks. Hedwig returned in the morning.

Ron : Hermione, where did you send Hedwig?

Hermione : Like I said, it's none of your business Ron.

Ron tried to argue back but Harry nurged him at the ribs. They all were done loading their trucks in the car. It was 10 by the time they reached the platform.

Mrs.Weasley helped Ginny to go through the Barrier at Platform nine and three quarters and everyone else disappeared while the muggles were talking about how strange the people are carrying a trolley full of trucks and owls.

Mrs.Weasley helped everyone onto the train.

                                                                   Meanwhile at the Malfoy Manor

Naricissa : Honey, hurry up! The train leaves at 11! Do you need any help!?

Draco : No mom, I'm almost done..

Draco got down his truck and Niffler in one hand. His mother held Draco's hand and apparated outside the station. Draco and Narcissa went inside the barrier of platform nine and three quarters. Narcissa helped Draco inside the train.


The train was leaving and everyone bid goodbye to their children. The golden trio were finding a compartment when they came across Draco's compartment.

Draco : Hey there Potter! How's your mummy and daddy?

Crabbe and Goyle laughed heartfully.

Ron : Screw off Malfoy.

Draco : Careful now, or you wouldn't want your father to get fired from his job do you?

Hermione : Well, atleast his father is ten times better than your stupid father you ferret.

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