Chapter 30: Fucked.

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WARNING: Ungodly amounts of smut. I expect to see all of you in church next Sunday.

The path to their booth was dark.

But not in a way that said, please don't inspect the stains on the upholstery too closely like the front room's ambiance implied. Instead, the dim, ruby lights set the mood for an intimate and atmospheric experience. Romantic, even, with only ten private booths hugging the sides of the round stage. As they approached their seating arrangements for the night, Kylo could feel Rey's pressing gaze as naked servers with drinks and appetizers passed them by. But all he did was gesture for her to slide into their booth, the largest, most private option with a curved, sunken-in design complete with a full view of the stage.

"After you."

She stepped into the booth and looked around. He followed after her and put his hands on her arms, directing her to sit on the wide, plush bench filled with blankets and pillows. She quickly obliged, plopping down and scooting to the center. Kylo slid in after her, leaning back and crossing his arms to quietly observe her. She was looking all over, and when an explosion of moans broke out from the booth next to him, she slowly, so slowly, turned to look at him.

Kylo met Rey's gaze with a single brow raised, but gave nothing away. She glared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh and clasping her hands, gnawing on her bottom lip. They sat in silence for quite some time, besides the few words he said to send the waitress away. He thought about ordering something, but her face almost turned green when the Twi'lek offered her a martini, so that was a no-go.

Instead, he waited, drinkless and listless, as he listened in on the conversations around him. Couples were murmuring sweet nothings to each other while sounds of pleasure could be heard from all angles. Sitting in a thick cloud of tension, they were the only two people in the entire establishment not enjoying each other's company or bodies. While they both knew what was going to happen between them tonight, an air of disquieted ease still stubbornly hung above their heads. So by the time a woman came on the stage, clad in a dramatically revealing dress and with hair down to her ankles, Kylo was relieved.

"Why hello, everybody," she purred into the microphone as claps and whistles erupted in the room. "Yes, yes, thank you," she cooed, waving a hand. "It brings me the most pleasure to introduce you to our first of many utterly delicious performances of the night. Please, everybody, give a warm welcome to Poppie and her playthings!"

Just then, two men came out onto the stage, holding up a chaise sofa with a naked redhead sprawled on top. A satisfied smirk played on her lips as she toyed with her nipples, making the crowd go wild. Rey glanced at Kylo, who kept his face completely unreadable, before eagerly bringing her attention back to the speaker.

"See? We only have the best of the best...but of course, that's just the sinful standard we uphold here at Pryka's Pleasure House," the announcer said, smiling suggestively as she gestured to the performers. The two men set down the couch and immediately descended on Poppie, groping her breasts and opening her legs, eliciting a wave of excited whispers and cheers from the crowd.

"Mmm. Yes, yes. Such a lovely sight, indeed," the speaker whispered into the microphone, licking her lips. "Now, please enjoy, and remember, anything is possible at Pryka's—for a price." With a wink, the woman exited the stage, leaving Poppie and her playthings at the center of attention.

Next to him, Rey shoved her leg against his. "What the fuck is going on?"

Kylo nodded toward the stage, ignoring her penetrative gaze. "See for yourself."


Gripping the back of her neck, Kylo tweaked it so she would look forward. "Look."

After she batted his hand away, Rey crossed her arms and did as he said. She looked uncomfortable at first, but as she watched the men lick and kiss all over the woman's body, he felt her loosen up. But it wasn't until she was entirelyrelaxed that he relaxed. It didn't take long; about five minutes later, she was already watching on the edge of her seat as she gripped the booth below her.

Kylo leaned back to enjoy the show—except, he wasn't watching the performers on stage. He was only interested in the woman next to him, her eyes wide and unblinking. But when a wanton sound caught his attention on stage, he reluctantly pulled his sights off Rey to see what was making her blush.


The redhead was being devoured, quite literally, as she laid on her side on the sofa. She was holding one of her legs up in the air as the two men kneeled on either side of her, lapping at both of her holes. It was disgustingly erotic, and Kylo knew his guest had never seen anything like it. But it didn't faze him, nor did he give a fuck about what was happening on the stage. All he wanted was to do that to Rey. He eyed her again, watching her every reaction, and he couldn't help but adore her for being so shamelessly engrossed with such filth.

The men were still dutifully licking Poppie, but the stage had begun to turn, so they didn't have as clear a view from their booth anymore—something Rey seemed very stressed about. Suppressing his amusement, Kylo leaned over and flipped a switch to bring the booth's holoscreen to life, turning on the livestream courtesy of the many cameras positioned on stage. When a close-up view of the threesome appeared on the screen next to them, a strangled sound tore from Rey's lips. He didn't say anything, only continued to watch her and enjoy the way her throat rippled from the effort of swallowing.

She couldn't take her eyes off the screen. "Kylo..."

"Yes, Kitten?" he replied, draping his arm around her. Just out of reflex, he expected her to push him away, but she immediately scooted closer, placing a hand on his thigh as she struggled to get her words out.

Over the moaning from the show, he heard her gulp. "This...this is..."

Kylo turned off the screen. "Do you want to leave?"

Rey whipped her head toward him, cheeks burning as she looked between him and the now-black screen, frantically shaking her head no.

"Good," he said, turning the close-up view back on. "Then watch."

Rey stooped forward for a better view, and he moved with her, his arm falling off her shoulders and resting against her lower back. He was shamelessly in her mind now, experiencing everything through her eyes. She was mentally drooling at the sight of a tongue on Poppie's clit, another on her asshole, and fingers belonging to two different hands slipping in and out of her cunt. She was fixated on how overwhelmed the woman seemed with pleasure, and below her fascination, Kylo sensed envy.

Curling his hand around her, he gripped the smallest part of her waist while the other hand fell onto her thigh. She instantly melted against his body and opened her legs for him. "That's it, Rey," Kylo rasped in her ear. Slipping below the slit of her dress, his fingers found her underwear, making small, gentle circles over her sweet spot. "Let me ease this ache for you."

Rey hurriedly parted her knees more, allowing him to hook two fingers inside her underwear to yank them to the side. With the calloused pads of his fingertips, he swiped the length of her slit, loving how prettily she whimpered for him as he teased her. "Oh fuck, Kylo."

He stayed quiet as his other hand traveled up to her chest, giving her a squeeze. She moaned as he massaged her breast over her dress, her breath catching in her throat as he plunged two digits inside her. Her leg started twitching as he used his thumb to flick her clit at the same time, her eyes locked on the holoscreen. It zoomed in on the man taking his time teasing Poppie, spreading her apart as he tasted her with smooth darts of his tongue. When the man pulled back to spit on her, rubbing it all around, Rey trembled at the shiny thread of saliva that hung between Poppie's cunt and his bottom lip.

The redhead responded just as Rey did, writhing and mewling as both of them neared climax. Kylo didn't relent, drilling into her as she rocked against his hand, meeting his thrusts as she gripped his wrist to make sure he wouldn't stop. Rey was so, so close, devouring the sight of Poppie's pussy full of fingers as wet, eager tongues toyed with her. The men grew more vocal, too, groaning as they worked their shafts. When the camera zoomed in on one of them, showcasing a bead of pre-cum dripping from the head of his cock, Rey's moans rivaled the performers on stage.

"That's my good girl," Kylo encouraged, voice throaty as he looked down between her thighs. He was pumping in and out of her quickly, and with each withdrawal, the red lights reflected off the slick on his fingers in the most delicious way. He growled, desperate for his cock to be drilling her tight little hole instead. "Don't hold back."

He didn't have to tell her twice; her orgasm came on quickly and violently, her body quivering as she let loose on his hand. Still sitting side by side, Kylo kept a firm grip on her as she came, moving his hand off her tits and clutching her abdomen to hold her steady. Eventually, her trembling and moans ceased, leaving nothing behind but soft sighs of satisfaction as she slumped against the bench.

He was careful as he disentangled his arm from her, studying her as he repositioned. With her mouth slack and cheeks flushed with pleasure, she looked beautiful in her post-climax daze, even with the rose-hazed luster muting her more striking features. And when she set her hungry eyes on him, Kylo's heart stuttered in his chest. Rey was truly the most irresistible woman he had ever seen.

He acted fast. Settling back into the booth, the Supreme Leader slid down in his seat and unbuttoned his pants. He had every intention of pulling her onto his dick, making her ride him in reverse as she watched the show, but she had another idea. She pivoted toward him, dug a hand in his boxers, and hastily pulled out his cock. With her body still facing the stage, she swooped down and crashed her head into his lap to pop him into her mouth.

Kylo's eyes rolled to the back of his skull, sinking down further to widen his knees as both his hands found the top of her head. Her lips around him felt so good, so wet and warm and inviting as she sucked and slurped on him, simultaneously rotating her palm around his base. It's the stimulation he needed, but what he enjoyed most was just how much she enjoyed it. Her insatiable moans gave it away, and a quick peek into her mind found that she loved how much space he took up in her mouth as he claimed her throat, all while her tongue explored the grooves of his veins.

"Fuuuuck," Kylo groaned, pulling a victorious giggle from Rey as she sucked at him harder, sliding her hand down to roll her fingers over his balls.

With a line of concentration breaking out between his brows, he turned to look at her lounging beside him in the booth, propped up on her side as she worked his length. He twitched in her mouth as his eyes roamed the length of her body, grabbing a fistful of her ass before tracing her tight silhouette. Even though her mouth was crammed full of his cock, and her pussy was drenched because of him, the Supreme Leader only had one thought.

Rey was fucking perfect. And all his.

The thought was so distracting, he had forgotten about the show until he heard the surge of applause and whistles in the room. He peeked up to see Poppie still on her side, her entire lower half hanging off the sofa as both men kneeled on the floor. They were on either side of her, facing each other as they gripped her leg in the air, keeping her steady as they fondled themselves. There was a brief lull in the action, but Kylo knew what was about to happen, and he knew his companion would want to see.

Breathing heavily, he turned his attention to Rey, who was still fully concentrated on his cock. But he couldn't have that when he needed her to watch the stage. Dropping a hand on her head, he gently collected a tuft of her hair and tugged up, directing her attention back to the performers.

"Watch," came his hoarse demand, looking down at her as she repositioned in his lap. She did glance at the stage, but with her fingers still curled around him and her face pressed against his groin, she got distracted and started sucking and licking at him again. Kylo tightened his grip on her hair. "Watch."

Rey obeyed, but not without a self-pleased smirk, and scooted in the booth for a clearer view of the stage, her legs still outstretched along the banquette. But she did keep her hand on him, curling her fingers into a fist over the tip of his cock, absentmindedly teasing him with soft, shallow strokes before finally glancing at the show. He saw her squint as the stage started to rotate again, then gave up to focus on the screen in their booth, immediately becoming hypnotized by what she saw.

The two men were fucking the redhead at the same time.

They were slow at first as they worked their way inside both her holes, then harder as they found their rhythm, slipping in and out with opposite strokes. The camera zoomed in on their cocks, thick and hard as they glistened with Poppie's arousal, filling and fucking her and worshiping her with every thrust. They were carnal in how they were taking her, the trio's melody of moans adding to the already-smothering cloud of titillation sitting densely in the air.

Rey's hand squeezed around him as she watched, and Kylo let out a rigid exhale at her response—she was loving this. His little scavenger slut, his bad girl, humming with visceral arousal as her soft hand pulled at his dick. He knew that she had fantasized about him and his knights fucking her at the same time, but to see her respond to such a scene in drove him fucking wild. How lucky was he to have a gorgeous woman like her in his lap, bursting with such vulgar desires and so, so ravenous for him?

Kylo shifted in restlessness. He wanted to take Rey, needed to have her, but she was completely mesmerized by the show. He didn't want to interrupt her, even though he preferred to grab a fistful of her hair and force-feed her his cum, make her gag on it as he played with her pussy again, listen to her sweet, stifled cries as the vibrations of her moans teased his throbbing cock pinned to the back of her throat.

But he had waited this long to fuck her. He could wait a little bit longer, right? Right, he tried to convince himself, his fingers flexing in her hair as he looked to the side again, devouring the sight of her tantalizing body vibrating with lust beside him. But then she propped up a knee to open her legs and touch herself, her other hand still toying with his length, and Kylo decided he couldn't wait even an instant longer. He would simply die if he did.

He was cautious as he moved her off his lap, but the moment he was on his feet, he grabbed her by the wrists and yanked her off the seat. "Bend over," he rasped, harshly grabbing her hips to position her in front of him.

A surprised yelp rushed through her lips. "Whoa—"

"I said, bend over," he demanded as he shoved her against the table, her back to his chest. Rey quickly caught on, scrambling to lean forward on her palms as she parted her legs and raised her hips. As her upper body hovered above the table, he hiked up her dress and snatched her underwear down. He cupped his growing need as she stepped out of them and opened wider for him, tensing at the exposed, mouthwatering view of her spread backside.

All mine, all mine, all mine, he obsessed, rushing to pull down his pants. He was craving the heady suppleness of her skin against his, but the Resistance knew he was still here, and the last thing the Supreme Leader needed was a public conflict with his giant fucking boner coming at them full swing. So, instead, he kept his armor on as he freed himself from his boxers, glancing up as he felt a surge of suffocating greed roll off Rey.

On stage, two more performers were joining the threesome as Poppie climbed onto the lap of a man sitting on the couch. With her chest on his, she sank down onto him as another stood behind them, spreading her backside as he penetrated her ass. She moaned nonsense, clutching at the top of the sofa as the man underneath her pushed and pulled her hips, helping her ride them both as they packed her holes to the brim.

The muscles in Kylo's back and shoulders grew taut as he palmed his length, Rey's reaction making him ache. She was in a trance as she watched Poppie bounce on two cocks, squealing and shuddering as the two newcomers fought for space in her mouth. Mine, all mine, came his persistent fixation, dipping a hand between her thighs and making sure she was ready to take him.

Rey responded feverishly, quaking against his wrist as she twisted her head to the side, trying to look back at him. "Hurry, Kylo," she pleaded, her voice dripping with hunger. "Hurry."

Kylo bit the inside of his cheek, pulling his fingers out once he was satisfied with the smooth glide of her slick and ease of her stretch. Broadening his stance between her legs, he gripped his shaft, stroking himself as the other hand pressed into her, encouraging her to deepen the curve of her spine. Aligned with her swollen cunt, he held himself with a firm grasp and directed her back onto him, uttering in approval at the first touch of contact. "That's it, that's it..." he started, pausing to grunt as her pussy stretched around the fat tip of his cock, "fuuuuuck."

Kylo had planned on sinking in slowly, but hot-blooded sounds tore from Rey's throat as she launched back, forcing him to fill her slick hole in one firm lunge. "Yes, yes, yes," she mewled, springing backward and forward to take him. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck—"

"Gods," came Kylo's guttural groan, drowning out her sobs of pleasure as he hurried to stop her, pinning her against him. She tried to squirm, but he pushed his pelvis forward to stay buried deep inside of her. He had waited for this moment for a very, very long time. And he would savor it if it was the last thing he did.

She feels good, so fucking good, he thought, his eyes half closed as his chin tilted to the ceiling, his thick hair flowing back like a dark, choppy sea. His fingertips dug into her flesh, hyper-focused on her warm cunt sucking him in, clamping around him as she panted and whimpered at the adjustment. He got lost in it, got lost in her, the commotion from the show and audience heightening yet blurring inside his head. The groans, the grunts, and the slaps of sticky bodies slamming together all blended into a pervading, sweltry ambiance that threatened to suffocate him with this primal need to own and possess every inch of Rey's body. And even though everyone around him was getting fucked, the Supreme Leader couldn't help but think about how utterly fucked he was.

He had only been inside of her for seconds, and she had already taken him to another level, another fucking plane of existence. How could he possibly suppress his feelings about her when she did this to him? How could he ever think straight again when he now knew what it felt like to fuck her tight little pussy? Pathetic, it was so pathetic, but as Rey began rocking against him and let out the most raw, deprived moan he had ever heard, Kylo decided he was committed to hearing that sound all night long.

Maybe she does have me wrapped around her finger, came his fleeting thought as he looked down, letting out a strained exhale at the sight of her ass flushed against him. But he found he didn't care; her pleas were like music to his ears, and he wanted to give her everything and anything she asked for. And right now, she was asking to be fucked.

"Such a sweet thing you are when you want me inside of you," he muttered, loosening his grip on her as he slowly pulled out. They moaned together as Kylo ate up the sight of her arousal on his cock, gleaming under the crimson lights in the booth. "Fuck, you're so wet for me."

"Harder," she begged with a breathless whine, "harder."

Kylo heard her, but he didn't give in. Not yet. He'd give her what she wanted, but first, he was selfishly enjoying the shock of heat each time he eased himself into her. She whimpered in protest and pleasure at his unhurried strokes, helplessly crumpling against the tabletop as he remained preoccupied with how pretty her pussy looked stretched around his girth. He wore her like a tight sleeve, so tight that there was a slight drag with each thrust, her folds clinging to his swollen veins roping around his length.

Both the view and the sensation pulled a rough grunt from the depths of his chest. She was soaked, slippery wet but thick like syrup, coaxing him to come as he filled her with every inch of himself. While he was already dying to burst inside of her, to feel her walls suction around him as her hole swallowed his cum, Kylo knew his time to be selfish was over. Securing his grip on the top of her ass, he plunged into Rey with a brutal snap of his hips.

"FUCK!" came her surprised scream, pushing off the table and perching herself up on her palms, frantically looking back at him. "Ky—"

Kylo slammed into her again, balls deep. Then back out, then back in. Pounding her, just like she wanted, as he watched his cock disappear inside of her needy pussy. She eventually gave up trying to formulate whatever the fuck she had wanted to say, instead only managing broken mewls as her delicate body jolted backward and forward with each blow he served her. Even just from her side profile, Kylo could tell she was overwhelmed, lost in his rhythm as she sputtered about how full she felt.

But the Supreme Leader disagreed. She wasn't nearly full enough, and he had to fix that. In one fell swoop, he hunched forward, seizing her elbows to pull her palms off the table. Rey immediately knew what he wanted, lowering and twisting to the side to press her cheek against the surface as she let him pin her arms behind her back. He murmured praise at her, pleased with how she pressed all of her upper body weight into the table, raising her ass higher so he could intensify his penetration. Crossing her wrists and securing them with one hand, he held on tight as he sank in deeper. "Take my cock, Rey. Take all of me."

She spoke through labored pants. "More, more, more. Give me more."

Kylo didn't miss a beat, keeping a grip on her wrists to drive her back onto him while his other hand found his mouth. After getting his thumb wet, he dropped it to her backside, tracing her asshole and applying gentle pressure to gauge her reaction. When she whined and jerked backward, slamming against his cock and finger, he let out a groan and slipped inside, massaging her tight hole while simultaneously pounding her cunt.

"Gods," came his savage rasp, pushing his thumb past the first ring of muscles to give her a deeper stretch. She gasped, clenching around him at the invasion, earning another harsh growl from his chest. "You're so fucking tight."

Rey tried to respond, only managing to scream and gasp as he filled her holes. Her arousal made him feral; she was a hot, sobbing mess, his hot, sobbing mess. He loved claiming her and feeling the mutual trust between them as she submitted to his body, letting him debauch her. And when a symphony of passion erupted on stage, he remembered why they were there in the first place—he wanted to make his cock-starved slut come while she drooled over the gangbang on stage.

Releasing a controlled breath, Kylo shallowed his thrusts in Rey, encouraging the tip of his cock to tap that needy part inside of her over and over again. Her moans amplified with the change, and he moved one hand to her hip while the other collected a fistful of her hair, snapping her head back to witness the show's climax. "Watch them fill her with cum, Kitten," came his low, throaty demand. "Watch what I want to do to you."

She tensed in response, shaking as she got on her palms again, gripping onto the table for dear life as his balls slapped heavily against her clit with each punishing snap of his hips. A sheen of sweat broke out onto his forehead as he gnashed his teeth together, trying to focus on anything but coming before she did, but she was clenching around him, so hard and forceful, it felt like she was trying to push him out. He groaned. He knew what that meant—Rey was close.

His breaths came faster now as he fucked her with a ruthless pace, glancing up to see what was making her contract around him. Poppie was still taking two cocks but in a different position, riding one in reverse with her back to his chest as another stood between her legs. They railed her without reservation, plunging in and out of her as the other two men took turns fucking her face. She was nearly incoherent as they stole their pleasure from her, drowning in ecstasy as the man on the bottom wrapped his arm around her waist to swirl wet circles over her clit. And when Poppie's face scrunched up, shuddering and humming with a mouth full of cock that she was going to come, Kylo felt Rey respond in the same way.

"I'm, I'm, I'm...."

"Do it, slut," he panted, reinforcing his grip in her hair as her pussy tightened around him. "Fuck. Come for me."

Rey stiffened, her trembling body propelling him onto the path of his own approaching orgasm. He growled and dipped into her mind, starved to consume every ounce of her, immediately throbbing at her complete and utter bliss. She was locked in on the feeling of her cunt sealing around his cock, stroking her just the way she needed, as she devoured the sight of the men giving Poppie their cum.

"Ky-Ky-Ky—" Rey tried, and failed, to say his name. But he knew what she was trying to communicate. She was about to come, and so was he.

To bring her there, Kylo dipped a hand between her legs and found her swollen, pulsing clit. "Gods, what a pretty pussy," he groaned, flicking her into oblivion as he drilled her, losing his fucking mind at how good she felt stuffed full of him. "A pretty pussy meant for my cum."

First came a grunt, a deep, unfamiliar sound, followed by disjointed yells of gratification. Rey was coming all over him, sobbing and crying as her body spasmed against him. Desperate to fill her, Kylo lifted his fingers off her and directed her hips back for deeper penetration. He looked down at her cheeks bouncing off him, his forehead crumpling in pleasure as his thumb found her asshole again, teasing and pressing all the while she literally sobbed against the table. He had only taken her in one position, and yet she was already falling apart, reduced to a blubbering fucking mess. And it sent him over the edge.

Kylo held his breath as that warm, tingling sensation finally apexed. He let out a stifled grunt as he stayed in that suspended state of ecstasy, then hunched forward with an intense exhale as his pleasure finally spilled over, exploding throughout his entire body. Warmth enveloped his cock as he came, each shock of his climax coaxing out ribbons of cum to fill her pulverized hole. "Oh, fuck."

He grunted again, shuddering as he stayed lodged deep inside of Rey for a moment, until he slowly pulled out, just a bit, to look down at himself. Angry and ribbed with veins, he was still twitching as he spurted the last of his load inside of her. It leaked around him, keeping her so fucking stuffed, and he pushed back inside to let her milk him for every ounce he had. But the deeper he went, the more his creamy seed gushed out, oozing over her clit and dripping to the floor.

With one last twitch from that residual, pulsing throb, Kylo pulled out with a wet, sloppy squelch. A sharp inhale came from Rey, her hole gaping and clenching at his absence. He backed away from the table and placed his hands on her ass, spreading her apart and letting out a small breath of appreciation. "Would you look at that," he murmured, fixated on her slit contracting with the aftermath of his climax. "My messy girl."

With her nails scraping against the surface, Rey whimpered pathetically against the table. It seemed she had nothing snarky to say with her ass up, face down, and pussy full of his cum. Staying close behind her, just in case she collapsed, Kylo let out a breathy noise of amusement and tucked his wet, softening erection back into his pants. As he zipped himself up, the way she said his name sounded like a plea.


"Yes, Rey?"


With a smirk playing over his mouth, Kylo pulled her dress back down, smoothing it over her ass before helping her peel off the table. She swayed as he brought her upright, and he held on tighter as he directed her to sit back down on the booth. He hovered above her, watching her intently as she took a moment to recollect herself. She slumped down, her glossy eyes aimlessly drifting to the stage, and he followed her gaze. Poppie and her playthings had since left, while the announcer asked the crowd to welcome a new set of performers: a group of women in latex, all wearing strap-ons as they circled two men hogtied on the floor.

He frowned, turning to Rey to extend his hand. He didn't want her to get any ideas. "Ready?"

She looked up at him with a distant, dreamy expression and gave a feeble nod. "Yeah," she said lifelessly, putting her hand in his. She yawned. "I'm tired."

As he pulled her to her feet, Kylo could have laughed. A quick dip into her mind revealed that she thought the night was over. Silently, he watched her with a wicked gleam in his eyes as she steadied herself beside him. Then the moment she looked at him, ready to go, he bent over and grabbed her to hoist her over his shoulder.

"Kylo!" she shrieked, her hands clutching his back as he stepped up and out of the booth. "What are you doing?"

"Taking you back to my room," came Kylo's nonchalant response, breezing past unfazed patrons as he approached the exit. "I'm not done with you yet."

Reylo: These Violent DelightsWhere stories live. Discover now