Chapter 35: I See You

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As Kylo unclasped the buttons on her pants with ease, Rey's eyes darted to the cockpit. "Here, right now?" she breathed, licking at her lips. "But the pilot is right there."

"Really?" he deadpanned. "I thought the shuttle was flying itself."


With the grip around her throat, Kylo drew her in for a kiss, taking her bottom lip as he popped off the last of her pant buttons. He pulled back to let her breathe, and collected the fabric on either side of her hips to peel them off. Excited nervousness poured from her as she gripped onto his shoulders, keeping herself steady as he stripped her down.

Digging her fingers into him, Rey kept her voice low. "Are you sure he won't see us?"

"Yes." After he discarded her pants, he started unbuttoning her blouse. "But he will hear you."


He cut her off with another kiss, stepping into her to pin her to the wall again. Having her trapped like this instilled a wild need in him, starting in his chest and spreading to his fingertips and toes before settling heavily in his groin. It made him ache as he moved like a madman to unfasten the last button of her shirt, and as soon as he had it, he tore it off and tossed it over his shoulder. Then he moved onto her underwear, giving them one tug before they fell to the floor where they belonged.

In one graceful motion, Kylo gripped onto the smallest part of her waist and crouched down to hoist her up. She jumped, her legs wrapping around his hips, while his hands settled on the underside of her ass, kneading and gripping at her soft flesh. He threw a terse nod toward her chest. "Off. Now."

Rey worked quickly to take her bra off before leaning into him, curling her hands around the back of his neck to bring her lips to his. They shared a moan as they fought to suck on each other's tongues, and Kylo used the grip on her ass to grind her exposed cunt against the swelling in his pants. She lost it, gasping as she pulled away to attack his throat with her mouth. Licking, sucking, biting, she squeezed her legs around him even tighter, slithering a hand between their bodies to reach for his pants.

Kylo hoisted her up slightly, their labored breathing drowning out the mechanical hum of the shuttle as she unbuttoned his pants one-handed. Still sucking on his flesh, she slipped into his boxers, curling her fingers around his cock to firmly tug on him.

"Fuck, Rey," he groaned, snapping his neck back as her soft hands worked his length. "Don't stop."

She didn't stop, but looked at him with a sly smile on her lips. "You're so needy, aren't you?" she murmured, a wicked gleam in her eyes as she repeated what he often said to her. "Desperate to fuck me, desperate to be inside of me." Kylo bit his lip as she gave his cock a hard squeeze. "Isn't that right, Supreme Leader?"

He closed his eyes, letting her tease and torture him with rough but slow touches. "Careful."

"Or what, Daddy?" Rey hummed, leaning back against the wall to get better access between her legs. She gripped him harder and started rotating her wetness against him, never quite letting him inside. "Will you fuck me like the little slut I am?"

The Supreme Leader bit back a moan, his cock growing in her hand at the way she taunted him. The little brat knew he loved when she called him that, but she used it sparingly—mainly when she wanted to drive him fucking insane. He could only manage a breathy rasp. "Yes."

She giggled. "Mmm, tell me more. Will you fill me up? Make me come all over you? Make me—"

With a grunt, Kylo positioned her higher around his waist and abruptly sank Rey down onto his cock.

"Oh, fuck," she cried, lips parting and brows knitting. "I, I, I—"

She was so light, so little, Kylo moved her up and down with ease, slamming into her with relentless strokes. "What were you saying, Kitten?" he mocked, throbbing as the heat of her cunt closed around him like a tight fist. Unable to speak, desperate mewls bled from Rey's lips, her hands helplessly clutching at the wall as she struggled to take all of him—exactly what he wanted to see. "Fuck," he hissed, slowing his pace to watch his length disappear inside her. "I missed this. I missed you."

Letting the wall support her spine as his hands remained curled under her ass, he tilted his upper body back for a better view, admiring the way his cock glistened each time he pulled out. He loved how perfectly he fit inside her pussy, how it's pinkness just ate him up, so wet, so warm, so tight. He would never get used to taking her, ravaging her perfect cunt as it stretched around him.

"Kylo," she moaned, breaking his trance. "Don't stop."

He peered up at her, the sight of her face crumpled in pleasure heightening his pleasure. He could come just by seeing her like this—cheeks flushed, eyes half closed as her hands dug into the top of his shoulders, pussy spread and taking him balls deep. He grunted, closing his eyes as he delved into her deeper, over and over again, trying to focus on making her come before him. But the vision of her shoved against the wall, her legs tightly wrapped around his hips as he pounded was too much. Kylo was close, and Rey knew it.

"Wait, wait, wait," she panted, sliding a hand between their bodies to play with her clit. "I'm almost there."

The Supreme Leader had every intention of holding off until she came too, but her pussy had his cock in a death grip, and it was too late—he felt himself stiffen inside her as his pleasure apexed. He hunched forward and growled her name, his thrusts becoming erratic as the first wave of his orgasm hit. He grunted with each pump of hot cum he spilled inside her, tightening his hold as his euphoria threatened to weaken his limbs. After he gave her the very last drop, he let out a winded sigh of relief.


By the time he slowly opened his eyes again, Rey didn't look very happy. But Kylo didn't address her, not yet. He was too locked in on the sensation of his cock softening inside her and the way her cunt seemed to cling onto him, coaxing him to stay longer. But he was afraid he'd get bit if he overstayed his welcome, so with one last twitch, he slipped out and slowly detangled her from around his hips.

He tried to hold onto her to make sure she was steady, but the moment her feet touched the ground, she waved him away. Watching her sulk, Kylo zipped up his pants, a small smirk on his face. "Rey."

She didn't look at him as she bent down to pick up her clothes. "What."

"Stop pouting and sit down."

"What?" she asked, throwing him an annoyed glance. "Where?"

"There." He pointed at a group of cargo boxes lined up against the wall. "Hurry. We are landing soon."

She threw him a dirty look but obeyed, all the same, picking up her bra and blouse on the way. The moment she sat down, attempting to put her panties back on, Kylo batted them out of her hands.

"Don't be so dramatic," he said, sinking to his knees. With a firm shove to her sternum, he pressed her back into the wall behind her. "And get comfortable."

Eyeing him, Rey wiggled down a bit, but not enough for his liking. He gripped her hips and yanked her toward him, situating her ass just off the side of the box. Planting his hands on the underside of her thighs, he parted her pretty little cunt in his face. She contracted, her fucked-out hole spitting out his cum, and his lips parted with a breath of admiration.

"That won't do, now will it?" he murmured, more to himself than her. He pressed two fingers against her asshole to collect the pooling juices and slide them back up, sinking into her pussy. He twisted them in and out, making her whine, before slipping out to gather more of his load on his fingertips. "Mm. That's better."

Rey squirmed, watching him with weary eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Putting this back where it belongs," he said, biting his lip when her pussy squelched as he slipped in another finger. "Rest your legs on my shoulders."

She happily obliged, lifting them up to rest against him, making her more comfortable and giving him the most delectable view. Still on his knees, Kylo scooted closer and hooked his fingers upward, stroking that needy part of her with each plunge. Rey moaned without restraint, rocking her hips forward and back, meeting his thrusts as her slick and his seed dribbled down his fingers. "Don't stop, please don't stop."

"Mmmm," Kylo hummed, picking up his pace. "My little cum slut."

Her moans pulled his gaze to her face, his pulse quickening at how overwhelmed with pleasure she looked. But it wasn't enough for him; he wanted to give her more. Without looking away, he bowed his head and lapped at her cunt, tongue flat and wide to taste her sweetest spot. She jolted and groaned, her hands threading through his hair as her legs began to twitch atop his shoulders. She was already close with her pussy full of his fingers, but with the added sensation of his tongue, Rey was about to explode.

Kylo grunted against her wetness. He wanted to praise her for being his good slut and taking his fingers so well, but he kept his tongue glued on her as her orgasm hit. It started with a tiny, adorable squeak before she powerfully thrashed against him, her back convulsing off the wall as she snapped her head side to side, moaning and crying loud enough for the entire galaxy to hear. He kept the pressure on until she went lax beneath him, panting as she gently moved his head from between her thighs.

Eyes on her, Kylo pulled away and placed his hands on her knees. He gingerly lifted her legs off his shoulders, making sure she was secured on the cargo before getting to his feet. Looking down at her flushed face, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, waiting for that far-off expression to fade away into any semblance of composure. It didn't, even when she somehow stood up.

He eyed her closely as she swayed from side to side. "You okay there, Rey?"

She yawned. "Yeah," she said, putting a hand on the wall as the shuttle shook from its descent. She gave him a dopey, satisfied smile. "Great, actually."

"Good." He bent down and grabbed her clothes for her. "Now, get dressed. It's time for your flying lesson."

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