Chapter 36: Give Me Attention, sUpReMe LeAdEr

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It was official—Rey missed the Finalizer.

Yes, really. She'd rather be on that dreary dreadnought full of half-witted Stormtroopers and up-tight First Order twats than be here, stuck on the Knights of Ren shuttle in the middle of nowhere. When Kylo told her that he'd bring her on critical assignments, she was elated, especially when she found out the first mission would start in Black Spire Outpost. She thought she'd have the opportunity to schmooze like she often did when he took her to various planets, maybe go to Oga's Cantina for some drinks or to the marketplace to shop...

Sprawled out on the sofa in the common area of the Night Buzzard, Rey let out an unladylike sound of agitation, blowing a piece of hair off her face. Yeah, I'm an idiot.

Not only was there no downtime on Batuu, but she was also only there for a total of twenty minutes, which consisted of trying to keep up with Kylo as he blew through all the fun stuff just to get to the First Order recruitment station and talk with some stuffy guy named Allegiant General Pryde. The Supreme Leader didn't let her in on their discussion, but judging by how abruptly they left to come here, she assumed there was something important regarding Skywalker on this frigid wasteland called Hoth.

Which was good for Kylo, she guessed, but less-than-great for her, seeing as how Rey had been stuck inside this flying death vessel for five days now. FIVE. At first, she was excited to see the modifications that Vicrul had told her about, but the novelty wore off when she realized she'd be locked inside the entire time. She was either utterly alone or plagued by seven giant-ass warriors—there was no in-between. Usually, she'd prefer the company, but a perpetual snowstorm had sealed all the holoports closed, meaning she was stuck with seven giant-ass warriors with no fresh air.

Rey was going insane. Truly insane. Two days in, she asked if she could be escorted back to the Finalizer, but Kylo said no—he needed all of his knights with him on assignment, and after Officer Bryx's attempt to kill her, he refused to let her out of his sight. So, here she was, on day five of staring up at the ceiling, twiddling her thumbs on her stomach as she waited for Kylo to return.

She frowned. The usual.

Being all alone in this bulky, black metal contraption would have been less painful if Kylo and his knights had anything fun stashed away in their closets. Alas, she already snooped through all seven rooms the first day she was left alone, and not one of them had anything even remotely interesting. The entire thing was actually surprisingly clean, despite housing six hulking men part-time, and she'd even go as far to say that it was...tasteful. Relics and artwork hung on the matte black walls throughout the ship, while every room was comfortable and well put together.

But that wasn't enough to ease Rey's mind-numbing boredom. At least while she was on the Finalizer, she had all her things with her. Her clothes, her skincare essentials, and her cat. Fuck, she missed Ani. She only had him for one night before she got whisked away, robbing her of his poky little ears and his spicy squeak. But most of all, she missed her routine and being able to leave her chambers for a walk, or to go to the gym, or grab food at the cafeteria. She missed the distraction of being able to do those things.

But now, nothing could distract her from the reality of why she was locked up on the Night Buzzard in the first place: she was Kylo Ren's prisoner, and until "things calmed down"—whatever Kylo meant by that—selling her soul to the First Order was the only way to earn her freedom.


With a groan, Rey rolled off the sofa and crossed the common area, trudging into her room to grab the only upside to being held hostage—a datapad. Even though it was basically child-locked with only four functions, and she was pretty sure the camera was spying on her at all times of the day, it had games and access to holodramas, so she'd take that as a small victory. But the only person she could communicate with was Kylo, and after being stuck with him for almost a week now, she wasn't feeling very chatty, so she didn't rush to respond to the message he just sent her.

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