You first Arrive

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I hope you guys will like this one.

I will write ghost's version again, but a longer one with more details or idk. Anyways I hope you enjoy reading this. I'm sorry if my grammar mistakes are typed.

You arrived to the task force 141 base as you are waking up from the flight. You then grabbed your stuff and walked outside as you look around the base that the air was so fresh that it hit your face. Good thing you had your hair into a ponytail if not then your hair would go everywhere. How embarrassing would that be you said to yourself.

You began to walk as you were supposed to meet a man named Captain John Price who is the leader of task force 141. You were lost till you walked up to a soldier who was at the vending machine getting God knows what he paid for.
"Um excuse me, "you asked the man as he stood up from getting his drink and turns towards you. You and he paused as you both locked eye contact and you looked away as your cheeks turned extremely red from seeing his beautiful blue eyes, his biceps and... everything about this man. He had a small Mohawk, wore a blueish shirt and jeans.
"Yes?", the man answered as you were trying not to blush. "I am uh... lost may you uh show me where the man named captain price's office is at?" You asked the cute Scottish man as he took a sip from his coke. "Sure! Follow me Ms...", he looked at your beautiful face as you said your name. "Oh, its lieutenant y/n, L/n. I am a spy, and I am new here to join the task force 141", you replied as he looked at you with a retriever smile. "It's lovely to meet you L/n. I am sergeant Johnny "soap" MacTavish. But you can call me whatever you'd like", he introduced himself as you both shook hands. "You can call me y/n instead", you thought being called by your last name was weird, so you felt comfortable being called by your first name.

You followed soap to the office building where you get to meet the captain.
"Yer know, we should get to know each other, and I'll introduce you to the boys if you'd like that," he said as he was rubbing the back of his neck. "I'd love that and its okay that you're flirting with me," you said as you both blushed.
"Well, uh... uhm I'll wait for ya here so I can show you around sweetheart", he winked at you as you blushed hard. He just called you sweetheart oh my... you said to yourself.

You met the captain as he had a cigar on his mouth and was fixing his paperwork. He then looked at you as he got up from his chair and greeted you," Lieutenant y/n,L/n. Its pleasure to meet ya. you both shook hands and offer you to take a seat as you did. I heard that General Shepherd said that you are one of his best spies and uh... wow you've been doing this job for while huh?" He then chuckled. "Yes, indeed captain sir, even though It's been risky", he then looked at you after looking at your file. "Well, these missions that are coming up and will be riskier I can tell you that. You and few of my good men will search for a man named Hassan (I forgot his last name) who is known as a terrorist from Iran. And we must find him and ask him what he wants the missiles for and why,"He explained as he walked around the room and then faced back to you.

"He probably wants power or uh intel?" You suggested and price agreed with you, "Maybe that or something else. But that's a good guess y/n. He raised his eyebrows up while he spoke and moved his cigar on the side of his mouth.

Welp, he let out a sigh. the mission will be starting in 2 weeks. So, for now it'll give you time for more training, your combat and aiming skills will be tested. Mr. MacTavish will show you around and you get yourself a good rest dear", he let out a smile and gave you a wink. "Thank you, captain sir." You then stood up and left. Soap then got off from leaning on a wall with his arms crossed and walked up to you. "So..., you stopped and faced him. How's the captain for you?" He asked. "He's like a father figure. And I'm starting to like him", you smiled. "Not like ... as a-" "No silly, not like a boyfriend. I mean by his personality, you both then chuckled.

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