Where can my Bonnie be?

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Ghost's POV:
Ghost continues to wait for soap as he is guarding the church's door while aiming his handgun towards the door. Ghost knows he was very close with y/n,he also had a crush on her. But he's happy that she's with soap. Ghost then started to overthink what soap said about y/n being killed or tortured. Ghost let out a breath while shaking, he suddenly snapped out of it as he heard soap's voice on his intercom. "Ghost, I'm close to the church. There's so many Grave's men out here." "I'll distract them while you get over here. Meet me at the gate, I'll be coming out. Hear for some gun shots." "On it." Ghost started firing his gun making Grave's men to come after ghost while he gives soap time to meet him outside the gate from the church. He makes his way out as he fires his gun from behind.

Ghost then jumps the gate and meets soap as they both flee. Ghost drove soap towards Alejandro's secret safehouse, "Take it easy on the driving Lt." "Don't worry soap, I got this." Ghost almost crashes towards a mailbox."Lt,look out! Jeezus ghost, you tryna get us killed?" Ghost looks at soap who then shuts his mouth. It was silent till Ghost look towards soap who was looking outside through the window, "So, after when you and y/n have your child, what do you two plan to do next?" "We haven't talked about that Lt. We didn't focus on that; we only focus on each other. Damn I wish she was here so I can hug her and kiss her. I guess the only place to raise our child is home." "And where is home?" "Home with you guys. Raising our child outside of the world can be dangerous." "It's not that bad." "Somewhat it is. It's just that we've got to be extra careful of who we bump into,yer know?" "That's right soap. You are right. I think we're almost there to Alejandro's secret safehouse. Try getting some rest."
"Alright,wake me up once we're there." "I will."

It was Sunday, a few hours had passed, and it was around 2:35 AM. Soap then wakes up from his nap,"Hey uh Lt. I know this may be a bad time, but I have to go." "Seriously Johnny? Can you hold it for a bit longer? We're almost there." "I don't think I can." "Alright." Ghost stops the car and waits for soap. He then suddenly also has to go, he gets out of the car and heads over towards the bushes as he unzips his zipper and starts to pee. Soap had already finished and went back towards the car waiting for ghost as he gets a piece of his gum and starts chewing it. Ghost then gets back in the car and continues to drive as soap smiles at him.

"You want some gum?" "I'm fine, thanks." "No worries, I have some more if you want any for later." "Alright." "It's been a long drive don't ya think?" "It sure is, just a few miles and we're there." "Lt. After I got shot, I heard her screaming for my name. I thought I was hallucinating, but no. She was there hiding from that fucking Graves. I bet she was scared,cold,and worried that if we didn't have shown up. I should've just gone towards her and taken her towards the woods, away from the base and Graves. But instead, I went towards the city, leaving her to survive on her own while carrying my child in her belly. I bet she had to clutch her belly as she ran away from Grave's men. Dammit me...I don't know how long it'll take us to find them, especially my girl."

"Don't blame yourself soap. She's a tough woman,even if she's pregnant. How many weeks is she now?" "12 weeks." "Bloody hell... It's going to be tough for her to survive his men and Graves himself. Her belly is expanding, and I don't think she'll be able to survive with all of that weight she'll be carrying soon." "Don't say that Lt. Please don't say anything like that. Even if her belly grows, she'll still be able to survive. Like you said, she's a tough woman. All it matters is that we find them and especially her. I hope she's alive. I really hope so. I won't be able to go on if we find her dead. I feel guilty leaving her back there. If we don't find them or if it takes months or weeks, then she'll already have given birth to my child." "Soap, it's not your fault. You didn't have no choice, either way if you had gone to her, you'll still would get shot even more. It would've been suicide. So, we have to get to Alejandro's secret safehouse, find out where they're being held captive, and save them. She's going to give birth soon soap if we don't find them. Graves might take your child away and kill her or force her to be his. He'll probably get her pregnant again once your child is born. Her belly still has time for it to expand." "Alright ghost. Let's do what we have to do.

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