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It was Saturday and also  the day for the guys to go retrieve the 2nd missile where it was located somewhere in the sea. You decided to stay in the base and rest. You felt sick in the morning, so you also decided to guard the base while they were gone. In the meantime, you went to the lounge to watch a movie and ate your favorite snack. You watched about 2 or 4 movies and later you went out to get some air. It was late afternoon around 9:45 p.m. and you went back to your room to rest. All of a sudden Graves's Shadow team arrived and made you curious why they had shown up. Maybe Graves ordered them to give us more protection, you thought to yourself. As you were about to open your door wide open, you hear guns firing coming outside of the barracks. You immediately shut your door and went back to your bed, and you put on your gear and armor back on. You then started to contact Soap and the guys trying to let them know what is happening in the base.

Soap's POV:

Soap and the team had finished retrieving the 2nd missile till he started to get a call from his intercom," Soap?" It starts to static. "Babe? What's up? Are you alright?" "Soap! Graves sent his.... ...They are capturing... Everyone!" "Babe?! I can't understand you!" "Soap please come quick!!!" As soap has y/n on his intercom, gun shots can be heard from her background. "Babe what is going on??!" "Soap hel-" "Y/N??! BABY, PLEASE ANSWER ME!"
Alej and Ghost approaches soap with a worried facial reaction, "Hermano, what's wrong?" "Alej, I don't know what is going on over to your base. Y/n mentioned someone is capturing your men and my girl." "What the fuck?! We got to go there NOW!" The three got inside the jeep and took off, driving back to the base. While driving back to the base soap tries to contact y/n with his intercom," Please pick up lass...Please."

Back to your POV:

You were in your room, and you decided to peek through the door if the hallways were cleared out and it was. You went over to your bed and grabbed your handgun and your combat knife. You then snuck out of the room and went outside as you then ran silently towards behind a wall while clutching your belly. You made sure any of Graves's men weren't around. The coast was clear, so you continue to run towards the fence. You were extremely careful climbing up the fence and climbing down safely. Once you had reached the bottom you quietly ran into the woods, and you stumbled a branch where it got your small pendant necklace. You were stuck for a moment and didn't have time to get it unhook. You broke free and left your necklace hanging on the branch. You continued to run quietly downhill, and you hid behind a large bush near a large rock for you to stay. You made sure you retraced your steps so you wouldn't be followed. The gate was uphill, and you were downhill which you can quietly peek up towards the gate. You then realized that Rudy stayed in the base with you. You didn't have a chance to look for him, if you both would've found each other, then you both would've escaped together.

You quietly radioed soap with your intercom hoping he would pick up, "Soap, please answer...Please hon." "Babe?? Are you alright??" "Soap...Honey, are you on your way?" "Lass, I'm so worried 'bout you. Are you safe? And yes, we're on our way." "I'm fine my honey bear. I escaped the base and I'm hiding. They... The intercom starts to static. Soap?" "Baby, hang on we're coming for ya. Stay safe and stay quiet babe." "Alright. I'll be waiting for you." You slide down the rock slowly sitting down as you hold your belly and waited for the guys to arrive.

Grave's POV:

One of Graves's shadow radios him from the base, "What's up shadow 075?"
"We have captured the vaqueros and the girl is missing." "You sayin that the girl escaped?!" "Yes sir, we checked every room and every place of the base and there was no sign of her." "Fuck! Keep searching!" "Sir, we did find a necklace hanging onto a tree branch. She must've escaped from the fence." "Alright,keep searching for her. Once you have found her, capture her. But don't kill her." "Yes sir."

Love my One and Only Lover (Soap x reader version) Where stories live. Discover now