Harmony Is A Difficult Feat

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Trixie had not seen Katya all afternoon, the woman having left the apartment early in the day without giving Trixie the option to come along. She hated when Katya did things like that, when she excluded her with no explanation. Every time it happened, Trixie had a harder time convincing herself that it meant nothing, that it was not because Katya had found someone new. Their bed was growing colder by the day, but she had to believe it was just the art that was consuming her lover and pulling her away, or she would surely be driven mad. 

"You're late. Where were you?" Trixie said once Katya finally arrived home.

"At the zoo, painting birds." Katya replied as she set down her tools.

"The zoo?" 

"Yes, they've got exotic birds which fit the painting perfectly. It needed more color." Katya said as she looked towards the large canvas which now occupied most of her studio.

"I wish you wouldn't go off on your own like that." Trixie admitted.

"I am merely painting, you know that." 

"I do, others may not." Trixie said, even though she wasn't truly so certain that she herself really knew what Katya was up to.

"Then they are fools who stick their noses where they do not belong." Katya said as she entered her studio, making it clear that she did not wish to listen to the conversation.

"Katya, please just listen..."

"I must paint." Katya interrupted her.

"Fine, just don't forget that we are going to the theater later. You promised me. You can paint for an hour, but then you must get ready, alright?" Trixie said in a defeated tone, upset that it was impossible to discuss with the woman, but hoping she would at least respect her promise this time.

"I remember, I'll make time." The painter promised.

"Thank you." Trixie said before she walked towards her makeup desk, needing to start on her own work if her face was to be painted to it's regular perfection.

The model stared at herself in the mirror, carefully placing all her different shades of foundation and powder. Translucent powder flew around the room as she pressed the setting powder to her skin with a large powder puff. She surrounded her eyes with more graphic liner than most would find appropriate, always having enjoyed a more painted look than what society approved of. Trixie enjoyed looking somewhat like a doll, liked her lips painted in a perfect pink pout, her blush to be prominent on her cheeks, and her hair hanging in beautiful ringlets around her face. 

"Hmmm... the corset seems smaller than usual.." She mumbled to herself as she got dressed, noticing how she couldn't seem to tie the laces quite as tightly as she usually could. "Ah well, my bust has always been large, I suppose the rest of my body was bound to start catching up at some point."

Katya watched the girl from her studio, loosing her focus on her canvas as she let her eyes admire her lover. She always wondered why Trixie was so hard on herself, in Katya's eyes her form was nothing short of perfection, yet Trixie so often seemed to doubt her own beauty.

There were many women whom Katya did not find interesting at all, their presentation so perfect that they lacked all individuality and flair, their personalities so simple to understand that not a single effort was needed from their partner.

But Trixie was special.

Trixie was light coming through the window in the morning. She was an imperfect symphony with unfinished movements.

And her eyes...

Katya could loose herself in her eyes. Those beautiful deep brown eyes with streaks of golden honey running through them. Those eyes that always searched the mirror's reflection for answers. Those eyes that would simultaneously gaze at Katya with admiration and annoyance.

Katya loved every inch of the woman, so with careful strokes she put her brush to the surface of the canvas and tried her best to capture every detail and curve. On her canvas the most visible woman soon took Trixie's form, her eyes turning brown, her hair golden, and her nose slightly crooked in the most adorable way. With streaks of yellow and white, married by dots of blue and green, and joined with warm tones of orange, Katya's masterpiece took shape in front of her. 

But something was missing.

The park wasn't at peace.
The girl wasn't relaxed. 
The color and light weren't working in harmony.

"Katya? You need to start getting ready." Trixie called.

"Soon!" Katya replied and continued working. "More blue. Does you umbrella look black to you madam? It looks green to me, deep green. Yes, deep green and blue with spots of red."

"Katya, you're running out of time." Trixie called again.

"Soon, I said!" Katya told her again, completely missing the look of worry and annoyance which filled her lover's face. Trixie knew where it was going, and yet once again she hoped it would be otherwise.

"Katya, we must go." Trixie said as she barged into the studio.

"I can't." 


"There is something missing." Katya explained.

"There always is." Trixie mumbled in a disappointed tone as she left the room, grabbing her things and heading off to the theater on her own. Once again.

In Her Eyes ✔~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now