Change Is All Around Us

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Katya was sat staring at her painting, none of it seeming to come together in harmony as she had hoped, when a sudden loud knock on her door caught her attention. She rushed over, for as foolish as the thought was, she couldn't help but hope her lover's face would emerge once she opened the door, but as expected no such luck came to her.

"Mother? Why have you come?" She asked as she was met with Mrs. Zamolodchikova standing there with a look of clear disappointment on her face.

"Katya, what have you done?" The woman asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I don't know of what you speak." Katya replied, even though she could guess what news it was that had brought her mother there.

"I am most certain you do." Her mother said.

"I assure yo-"

"I met Trixie, Katya." Mrs. Zamolodchikova interrupted.

"Oh." Katya replied, a feeling of shame coming over her as she realized she could no longer avoid the subject which she had attempted to avoid for days now. The truth she had pushed to the very back of her mind because facing it head on was far too painful. The fear she'd had which had now turned into fact, now that her artist life had pushed the girl away.

"Why could you not listen when I warned you? You could've both been spared this heartache. But now, you've gone and pushed her away instead."

"She chose to leave." Katya argued.

"Because you wouldn't listen when she attempted to talk with you." Her mother tried to reason.

"There was no time for her foolish concerns regarding town rumors. She should know better than to believe such rubbish."

"That was not what she was here to discuss." Mrs. Zamolodchikova told her.

"It wasn't?" Katya asked, genuinely surprised by the statement.

"No, it was not."

"What was it then?"

"So now you're finally ready to listen... Always a step behind..." Her mother mumbled, shaking her head slightly in frustration. "If only you could learn to listen, truly listen, to the voices around you right away, the voices of those who love you..."

"Please mother, tell me." Katya begged in a softer tone of voice.

"She's with child." Her mother replied after a long pause. "Your child."

"A child?" Katya asked in disbelief.


"No... I cannot have a child... It can't be true!"

"Katya, this is not the time to focus on your own needs or wants! Trixie needs you now! It is her needs that should be in your mind, not your own! She needs someone to lean on, someone to support her. She was that for you, now is the time that you need to be that for her!" Her mother said strictly, her anger over her daughter's reaction causing her to boil over.

"But... I can't... How can I care for a child, mother? And how can I support Trixie if I do not know how to do so?" Katya asked desperately, the news having turned her whole world upside down.

"How can anyone do anything before they try?" Her mother responded.

"But it will be such a large change..."

"The world is always changing, Katya. You should know that more than anyone. Just look at how the landscapes in your paintings have changed over time. Trees changed into towers, paths became roads, houses became skyscrapers... We are living in a time of change, there is no escaping it. And there is no escaping this."

"She will never forgive me... I failed her." Katya said sadly, thinking about the look of betrayal and disappointment she had seen in Trixie's eyes when the girl had left.

"Maybe she won't. Perhaps the damage has already been done, but do you not think it will be more hurtful should you not even try? Do you not think that will push her even further away?" Mrs. Zamolodchikova told her.

"I suppose so..."

"Do the right thing, Katya. And then perhaps there will still be a chance to fix things."

"I shall try." Katya promised.

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