The Love In Her Eyes

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It was a bright afternoon. A Sunday.
The sun was sitting high in the sky, the trees waving gently in the wind, the water flowing quietly.
People were strolling through the streets, small boats were passing by, and carts and wagons were driving calmly through town.

It was the perfect afternoon.
No one could have ever predicted what was to occur.

Katya left her home for the first time in months that morning, a sketchbook in her hand as she challenged herself to paint her perfect park once again, as she had so loved to do previously. She observed from the sidelines, watched the twirling parasols and the children playing games, all things which used to intrigue her so, and yet her pencil did not move.

It was the perfect Sunday, and yet as Katya looked around, she couldn't help but find it depressing.

The people who were out strolling seemed lifeless.

As if they were never truly there at all.
As if the park itself was dying.

Or perhaps Katya was not truly there.
Perhaps her gift had faded all together.
Perhaps her fear of leaving no mark behind had finally ruined her ability to paint at all.

Was this the cost of being alone?
Was this the choice she had made?
What a foolish choice it had been....

But suddenly the sky seemed bright, the water clear and the people alive. For there, at the very edge of the park, a vision appeared. The most beautiful vision of all.

"Trixie." Katya whispered.

Her stomach had grown large, so large that Katya was certain it was mere days until she should give birth. But it was not her stomach which fascinated Katya the most, it was her ability to catch the light.

There was something in the sunlight, something in the sky, in the grass, it all came alive when Trixie came into view. Somehow she had never fully noticed how Trixie's presence alone brought out the colors in the world. The color of her hair reflecting the sunlight perfectly, her eyes showing a sense of care which no one else could bring fourth, and her smile... her beautiful, wonderful, sweet smile inviting you in so effortlessly.

Her beauty was more than words could explain, more than paint could capture, it was like pure angelic light shining down on the world.

Their eyes finally met, Trixie's smile dropping for a moment, her eyes filling with tears before her smile brightened once more. There was no more anger to be found in her eyes, no hatred, no bitterness... all Katya could see was love and care as Trixie's hand went down to rest over her stomach.

But just as quickly as the sweet moment had started, it came to an end.
A loud crash filled the streets.
And then the sound of horses running.

"Stop that wagon!" Someone screamed.
"Look out!" Another said.
"NO!" A final voice said.

But by then it was too late.

"Trixie!" Katya screamed out in horror as the horses and the wagon ran over her one true love and their unborn child.

Katya ran towards the scene as others ran after the wagon, a couple of men finally managing to grab hold of the rails. There on the ground laid Trixie, nearly trampled to death, her body mangled and growing colder by the minute.

"Trixie, no... please, stay with me... stay with me. Somebody get a doctor!" Katya yelled as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Stay with me, Trixie.. Hold on, you'll be alright, just hold on."

"Ka-Katya... L-let me go... save the child... You must save her... She has to live..." Trixie nearly whispered as she coughed up blood.

"No, I will not let you die."

"You... you have to. She has to live... She has to... She..."

"Trixie?" Katya cried as the girl turned lifeless, her eyes fluttering shut. "Trixie! No! You cannot die! I cannot live without you! Trixie!"

In Her Eyes ✔~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now