So Many Possibilities

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Katya gently placed her daughter in a small cradle by the window, laying a blanket over her and kissing her forehead softly. Still, she was not convinced that it was right for her to care for the child, but she had agreed to give it a chance at least. With the words of her mother lingering in her mind, Katya soon felt herself slowly drift off to sleep. Swirls of blues and greens, shadows of color and light, and bursts of bright sunlight clouded her vision as she drowned in the ocean of endless dreams. Suddenly she found herself standing in her studio, the room around her so lifelike that she wondered if she was truly dreaming at all. She was surrounded by her own paintings with a familiar figure carefully approaching her.

"Hello Katya."

"Trixie?" Katya asked in disbelief, earning a little nod from the girl. Trixie walked around the studio, lightly touching a couple paintings.

"The paint seems dry... Have you not been working?"


"That is not like you, Katya. You were always working."

"I'm sorry." Katya whispered, a single tear falling down her cheek.

"I do not need apologies, you know that was never what I waited for." Trixie replied calmly.

"I know... I should have told you before it was too late."

"It's never too late."

"I, I love you... God Trixie, I love you so much." Katya said as more tears started to escape her eyes, and soon Trixie wrapped her up in the warm embrace which she had missed so much.

"I love you too, more than you could ever know. We have always belonged together. I was a fool to ever think otherwise." Trixie told her, her eyes shining with warmth and care.

"I don't know where to go, what to do... God, what am I to do, Trixie? How will I ever manage without you?"

"All you have to do is to keep moving forward. Stop worrying where you're going or how you will handle it all, and just keep moving forward." Trixie told her. "I never imagined that I would not get to raise my own child, not even get to see her.... But that is the fate I was given, so now I must trust that you will care for her as I would have done."

"I'm not like you, Trixie. I am awful at conveying how I feel, I... You know how I can be... How can I look after her like she deserves?" Katya said, feeling that familiar sense of uncertainty fill her once again.

"Katya, you are the most brilliant person I have ever met. Without you I would never have known how to see all the beauty there is to discover in the world. You... you care about everything, you just don't see it. Monkeys in the zoo, green trees in a neighbourhood park, people out walking on a Sunday, you see them all. You capture them all. So just care for her like you would your paintings, look at her like you do the morning sun, and love her, love her with every bone in your body. You will know what to do, I know you will."

"I wish she could've gotten to know you... How incredible you truly are." Katya said as she leaned her forehead against her lover's. Soon their lips met in a bittersweet kiss, the heaviness of knowing it couldn't last weighing on both of their hearts.

"Please tell her about me.." Trixie cried. "Show her your paintings of me. The last one of me in the park, it turned out so beautiful... I've always been the most beautiful through your eyes."

"You are the most beautiful no matter what, you always have been. But I will show her, I will tell her everything about you."

"In my dresser... there is a notebook. Read it. It's for you, but please show her too. I want her to know me by my own words as well as yours."

"I will. I promise."

"Goodbye Katya." Trixie whispered before giving her one final kiss as the dream slowly faded away into nothingness.

Katya woke up abruptly to find the shadowy blues of the night still coloring the sky and her child still sleeping soundly in her bed.

Remembering Trixie's words, she stood up from her own bed and walked towards the girl's dresser, hoping the dream would be correct.

She opened the top drawer and sure enough, there it was;

Trixie's notebook.

"Color. Balance. Tension. Composition. Light. Harmony." Katya read on the first page. "So much love in her words, forever with her colors. How Katya looks... it is as if she can look forever, hold you in her gaze. Her eyes, so piercing and blue, like endless oceans. I love her eyes"

Katya's tears fell down on the page, even as she tried to hold them back, the ink moving around on the paper. When she read the next words however, she broke down completely.

"But most of all, I love her paintings. They give us all so much more to see. They show us the world through her fascinating lens. And truthfully, I love to see the world through her eyes. I love how the world looks in her eyes."

The paintings.
The paintings that had driven Trixie away.
The paintings that had caused Katya to loose everything.

Trixie had loved them.
Despite everything, Trixie had loved them more than anything.

In that moment Katya felt a new purpose run through her as she realized her story had not yet reached it's end. Instead it felt like endless potential had just unlocked itself, and she realized this was Trixie's intention. Her mother had been correct, souls don't just disappear, for Katya felt Trixie's presence as she prepared a new canvas. The notebook layed on the table next to her, open on the last page, Trixie's final words written in perfect cursive;

A white page.
A blank canvas.
Her favorite.

So much potential.
So much work to be done.
So many possibilities.

A/N: With that another story comes to an end, thank you for following this pretty short but dramatic story <3

I have lots of other stories that are finished aswell as one on-going one called "Unlock My Heart", so please consider checking that out!

- Annie <3

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