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I am so fucking fed up with the shit I get for doing nothing.

I genuinely thought I was doing nothing. I didn't talk. I didn't move. I didn't laugh. I didn't cry.And yet this one kid (lets call her Bitte) relentlessly gives me shit for doing nothing. Bitte told me that I was faking my disorders. Do you know what its like to not be one person? No then you don't get to say shit to me. It is not my fault that I am so fucking traumatized that I have other people in my body. Do you know what it is like to not be able to control your body? No, then don't say shit to me, I am not fucking faking Tourettes, I have FND. And you are part of the fucking problem. You helped break me. You caused me to want to (and try to) kill myself. So Bitte you can fuck the fuck off. And Disparu, you helped turn Bitte against me. And now I'm all the fuck alone because I have OSDD and FND. Not to fucking mention Autism. so keep your fucking mouth shut on how I "watched you cry" yes bc I DONT FUCKING KNOW HOW TO HELP YOU AND YOUR NEUROTYPICAL ASS. IF YOU WANTED A PERSON WHO KNEW HOW TO HANDLE/COPE WITH EMOTIONS YOU SHOULD HAVE LEFT WHEN I WARNED YOU.

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