Body langauge

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"You say you understand women and yet you say you do not understand how she helped us?" I raised my eye brow and leant back in my chair.

"No. Sorry officer David I do not see." he turned sharply up a street.

"Tony are you alright?" I asked looking at him.

"This is not telling me why she helped us Zeva!" he overtook a white corsa.

"Yes... well. Her body language."

"I'm sorry?" He glanced at me as we approached a red light.

"Her body languge. she helped us by telling us that her and Ian had a bad relationship but that Alex and her were..."

"Having an affair." tony filled me in.

"Yes. Apart from she didn't seem that bothered that her supposed 'sweetheart' was dead."

"Well maybe she got that out when the navy told her." Tony injected, he seemed calmer. What had made him agitated I could not fathom.

"But even so, if you had news that your love had been alive when you thought they were dead and then they were dead. You would be more ...upset, confused wanting answers. I would be i would Not be as cool as a cabbage." I explained,


"Sorry?" I looked at him as we drove into the garage.

"It's as cool as a cucumber."


"So if You thought i died, then I was alive - thou I didn't tell you, and then Gibbs told you I was dead for a second time. You would be upset." Tony asked, turning the engine off and getting out.

"Any women with a heart would be."

"Thought you were a weapon." tony stated lifting our bags from the boot.

"Well I love you so I must have a heart. I know most women you dated were Spineless." I laughed as we walked into the building.

"Are you doubting my tastes?"

"In women, part from myself, yes." I smiled and got into the elevator.

"They used to play music in these things." Tony sighed looking around the small metal box.

"In Israel there are porters. Never alone in an elevator there." the doors pinged at we walked out, me walking slightly behind him as Gibbs looked across.

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