Going to Israel

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"Then where did she die? Suffocation doesn't produce blood pools." McGee said.

"Unless she was only wounded and the gas finished her off!" Abby said, pacing about behind the sofa back at the safe house.

"By whom? We found no murder weapon or injury weapon. I think this is producing more questions than answers." Duckie sighed.

"So they were working for Mossad." Ziva muttered "why?"

"They got into trouble in Afghanistan, Mossad helped them out. Repaying a debt." I said quietly, nudging Ziva slightly, which she disapproved of. She was concentrating.

"That means that's Gibbs' gut about the Sigtons being murdered for a case they testified on was false" Palmer said stupidly, to which he received a glare and;

"Awh Jimmy your first ever Gibbs slapp!" I laughed joyfully.

"Taking Ziva could have been a back up plan in case the Sigtons died." Probie said.

"A plan which I don't like the sound of." Abby slid over the back of the sofa between Gibbs and Duckie.

"I don't like the sound of any of it Abbs." Gibbs said.

"So we just need to work out who killed the Sigtons and Charlotte and we've sorted the first part." Ziva said.

"What's the second part?" I asked her

"Finding out why Mossad want me dead."

"Maybe if we find out one we can find the other?" Jimmy suggested, rubbing his head.

"So maybe we need to go to Israel" I said looking across to Gibbs.

"Maybe we do"


"Vance won't be happy about it boss. And besides won't going to Israel put Ziva in more danger?"

"I can handle danger McGee" Ziva told him as she dragged through her bag through to the living room.

"I know i-"

"We're all going Jethro?" Duckie asked, changing the subject slightly.

"Yes Duck, we can protect each other that way."

"Then why are we getting on separate flights?" I asked

"Because then Mossad will follow you Tony whilst we set up shop."

"I hate being bate" I mumbled

"Don't worry Tony. Mossad haven't killed me yet."

"No but they've tried several times to kill me ziva" reminding her Gibbs slapped me across the head and walked out the door.

"Tony.." I turned around, Abby was clutching her bag. "Is this a good idea?"

"Gibbs always follows his gut Abbs. It'll be fine." I smiled

"Oh I know! It's just. Well, Gibbs isn't getting any younger, do you not think one day it's all going to be too much for him?"

I sighed, she was right, Gibbs was well he was getting softer. He hadn't yelled at anyone lately. And he's thrown rule 12 out of the window. Maybe he does need a break.

"I had a break for 6 months in Mexico Dinozzo. I think I'll be good for a trip to Israel." He barked, walking back into the house and lifting the remaining of his bags.

"Right boss."

Abs shrugged. "I guess he's right"

Ziva, Abs and myself left the house and walked towards our cars.

"I'm driving!" Ziva yelled, taking the cars keys from my pocket.

"Uh no. I don't want to die before I get to Israel if I'm going to die at all." I smiled reaching for the keys back.

"Relax you're not going to die Tony. Not from my driving."

"You wanna be so sure?" I sighed taking the keys back. "Senior. Field. Agent. David."

"Fine." She huffed.

"Jethro." I leaned against my car, listening as Duckie talked to Gibbs
"Eli won't be there to get you out of deep water if you should happen to fall in any." He warned.

"I know Duck. We're just taking a holiday. That's all." Gibbs looked across to me as he opened his car door.

"See you in Israel Dinozzo." He said before getting into his car.

"Yep. See you in Israel Boss."

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