chapter 2

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Deceit had to drag Virgil all the way to the HQ because Virgil wouldn't stop trying to get free to go murder Prince Creativity for murdering Remus. Virgil didn’t stop until Deceit threw him into the "living room". Virgil stood up and glared at Deceit, ripping off his mask to show his purple hair. Shadows all around them were bouncing because Virgil was still angry and had lost control of his powers. "Virgil do lose control of your powers and stay angry. I so love when you're angry" Deceit said but this seemed to make Virgil even more angry "Calm down? CALM DOWN? HOW CAN I CALM DOWN? REMUS IS DEAD. HE WAS MURDERED BY PRINCE CREATIVITY AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN. YOU DON’T GET TO TELL ME TO CALM DOWN? WHERE WAS YOU? I CALLED YOU OVER THE COMS AND YOU NEVER CAME. YOU WAS MEANT TO BE ON LOOK OUT. maybe if you turned up, Remus wouldn't have died.  Maybe you could have helped us. So where were you Janus?" 

Deceit, who we now know as Janus, didn't seem phased by the shouting, like he knew that Virgil was just grieving. But deep inside he knew that Virgil was right. If he had turned up, Remus wouldn't be dead. "I was at my Children's school, Remy had gotten in trouble again for his sass," Janus said. Janus thought this would slightly calm Virgil down because Virgil loved the kids but this only made him angrier "well fuck you and fuck your kids. Hope they understand they are the reason their uncle Remus is dead '' Janus has to hide his shock and grief because as Virgil was about to storm off, a sound was heard from the doorway. 





Standing at the door was a man with fiery orange hair. He was wearing a black Button shirt that had the sleeves ripped off and black trousers that had fire (fake) coming up them. He had orange boots on to add to the effect of the fire. He had orange eyes, Virgil didn't know if they were real or contacts. On his arms were gloves made out of bandages that went up to his elbows. The gloves had blood that didn't belong to him on them. Virgil’s emotions clearly snapped because one minute he was boiling with anger, the next minute he was terrified of what this man would do. 

"Well done Virgil. Thank you for pointing out that Remus is dead and informing me that instead of doing his job, Janus was tending to those menacing kids" the man said. Virgil was all stiff "thank you, Orange Sir". The man we now know as 'orange' nods. "Now where is Remus's body? I'd like to examine it. ……………. I said where is Remus's body? " "Janus speak" . Janus looks into Orange's eyes and says "we left him sir. We had to get away" this seemed to only make Orange angry but he didn't shout or show his anger but Virgil could tell because of his eyes. "Thank you for informing me, Janus. I will deal with you both later for your stupidity of leaving the body and letting Remus get killed and for failing the mission".  Suddenly Orange disappeared.  

Everything was silent for a bit before

"Fuck you, Janus. Fuck you and your kids. I'm out of here" Virgil sticks his middle finger up at him before storming off to his room.  Janus sighs watching him leave before noticing that two little 7 year olds were standing by the back entrance "Emile, Remy what are you doing here? Remy you are meant to be grounded and Emile i thought you were watching Steven Universe?" Remy was the oddest 7 year old you ever saw. He had platinum blond hair as a mullet. He wore a leather jacket all the time (no matter what he was wearing) and sunglasses. He was a ball of sass and style. Even though they were twins, Emile was the opposite. He had fluffy light brown hair. He wore a lot of pink and cardigans. He loves to bake and help people. He has pink framed glasses. Emile is a ball of fluff. "The TV turned off. Can you turn it back on? Remy was bored daddy. We only just got here". Janus sighs in relief thinking they didn't hear what had happened but he did that to soon for Remy asked "dad what does Fuck mean and why does uncle Virgil want to fuck us? It sounds cool. Fuck yeah"

Janus was lost for words. "Well…… um…… you see……… ummm ……. Who wants ice cream?" 

Meanwhile at the other side of the den, Virgil was treating his broken ribs, cuts and his bruises in his bedroom. Virgil’s bedroom was quite small and it wasn't that cosy but it still belonged to Virgil. The walls were black and cracked. There were spider webs everywhere but the spiders were his pets. The room barely fit a fish finger bed and a cupboard for clothes, so it was a bit of a squeeze. On top of the cupboard was a bunch of different makeup and a phone charger where his phone was on charge. There was also a first aid box on the cupboard. Like I said the room was small but Virgil was lucky to have even that since he is an orphan. Virgil wraps a bandage around his chest, wincing in pain as he does. School tomorrow was going to be hell. Especially if PE is tomorrow, which there is. "I hope I don't have a mission tomorrow" Virgil mumbled to himself as he slowly laid down, hissing in pain. 

No sleep for Virgil again.

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