chapter 7

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Once Janus and Virgil got to the meeting room, they quietly sat on the chairs and looked at Orange. Behind orange, the screen was split with two different sets of information for two different missions. Which meant Janus and Virgil would be having solo missions at the same time. Normally Virgil loved having a solo mission because it meant having time to himself away from the rest of the gang but today was different. Virgil didn’t want a solo mission because a solo mission meant Virgil wasn’t going to be able to get the answers he wanted from Janus. Virgil sighs. Hopefully the missions won’t take long so Virgil could get the answers he wanted soon after. 

“Is something wrong, virgil or can I carry on with the mission reports? Are you listening?”

Virgil was so lost in thought about seeing the split screen that he hadn’t heard what Janus’s mission was. “I’m sorry Sir, I’m listening now. You may carry on”. Orange nods before turning to Janus. “You may set off for your mission, Janus. You are no longer needed here”. Janus nods, gets up and leaves. “Now virgil’s here's your mission” was said as Janus shut the door. 


"Now you know your mission Virgil, you may leave".

Virgil quickly nods, leaves the rooms and gets his costume on before leaving the HQ and setting off to his mission destination. The destination was a high techno building full of technology scientists with all the latest high tech gadgets and instruments. Orange had sent Virgil to collect a special chip that the scientists had just created. Virgil merges into the shadows to sneak into the building. Virgil was about to sneak all the way into the room where they were holding the chip before any of the heroes showed up. But as soon as he entered the room, Logic was already in there. Logic seemed to know Virgil was there even though Virgil was still hidden in the shadows. 

“Anxiety i know you are there” Logic said so Virgil steps out of the shadows. Logic goes to question what Virgil was doing here but Virgil wanted to get this over and done with quickly so he could go back to questioning Janus, so he attacks Logic. He goes to punch him but Logic dodges before grabbing Virgil’s arm and flips him over making Virgil land hard on the ground. Virgil groans in pain. He still has broken ribs after all. Virgil gets up and merges into the shadows. He goes to attack Logic’s back as a surprise attack but Logic turns around in time to grab Vrgil’s leg and throws him to the floor. Virgil hisses at logic and trips him over with the shadows before jumping up. Virgil was finding it hard to breathe now because of his broken rib/the mask was getting in the way and he definitely had a concussion now but Virgil wasn’t giving up. He needed to get Logic out of the way, get the chip and get back to Janus as quickly as he could. Logic quickly gets back up but gets punched into the wall by Virgil. Virgil runs at him to punch Logic but Logic moves out the way so Virgil ends up punching the brick wall hard, breaking his hand. Virgil hisses out in pain and turns to Logic.

 “Why won’t you change still?” Virgil hisses out. 

 Virgil was starting to see black dots in his vision because of pain and breathing trouble. Logic must have noticed what was happening because concern filled his face and his voice. “anxiety?” Suddenly Virgil collapses to the floor, gasping for breath. He claws at his mask, pulling off, trying to be able to breathe more. “Virgil” was the last thing Virgil heard Logan mutter before passing out from pain and lack of oxygen. 

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