Chapter 8

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The next time Virgil woke up, he was in an unknown place. The walls were white and the floors were tiled white. Virgil was laying on a white comfy bed, covered in blankets. But virgil’s head no longer hurt, just his ribs. Virgil panicked as he realised he wasn’t in his costume. Then he remembered Logic knew his name. Oh no he was going to be in so much trouble when Orange found out. He failed his mission and Logic knew his secret identity. He needed to get out of here as soon as he could. He needed to get the chip and get to the HQ before Orange even noticed he was gone. 

Virgil got out of the bed, hissing in pain as he jolted his ribs. It was then that he noticed a pale of clothes in the corner of the room. He quickly put them on, not caring if they had a tracker on, he couldn’t leave this place with just his boxes on. The clothes Virgil put on were a bit too small for him but he put them on anyway. He wore light blue jeans and a red top with a crown on it. Virgil tried to merge into the shadows to sneak out but he couldn’t so he ran at the door, breaking it down. Virgil hisses in pain from his arm and ribs on the side that hit the door. He pauses for a moment, looking down the hallway before running left. After running through the maze of hallways for a bit, Virgil found himself in what looked like a living room. But what Virgil didn’t account for was the hero’s sitting in the living room in their costume. As soon as Virgil entered the living room, all the heroes stood up. Creativity stood on guard with a sword in his hand. Morality looked concerned for Virgil. Logic had a tablet in his hand and looked to be taking down notes. 

“Hey you should be resting kiddo. I was able to heal your concussion and hand but ribs will take a week for me to heal. You need to rest.”

“What is he doing in here? He’s a villain. He should be in prison”

“Virgil, I have some questions I need to ask you”

“He needs to rest first, loga-logic then you can question him”

“We need to call the police. He’s a villain. Morality, he is dangerous.”

“Morality we need to know everything”

All the things the heroes were saying melded together as Virgil got more and more angsty . Suddenly he shouted “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” The hero’s stopped and looked at him. “Language kiddo,” Morality said but Virgil didn't stop. “Shut up with all this. I have some questions. Where the fuck am i? How does logic know my name? How do I get out of this hell hole?” The hero’s step forward. Logic goes to say something when there is a massive band on the door. The heroes all look at each other before saying one thing: “Hide”. Virgil quickly hides in a palace where he won’t be seen but he could hear and see everything that was going on in the living room.

He watched as Creativity opened the door and let a government member into the building. 

He watched as the government member revealed the heroes secret identities as Patton Heart, Logan Logic and Roman Kingsley. 

He watched as the government member shouted at Patton for failing to capture Deceit and Orange. 

He watched as the government member shouted at Logan for disappearing to the techno building for no reason. 

He watched as the government shouted at Roman for doing nothing. 

He watched as he informed Logan that he will be locked back up at the techno lab if he misbehaves one more time and he will be strippeted of his teaching job. (even though as Patton revealed, Logan was only there as a spy)

He watched as the government left before coming out of hiding. 

The heroes go to say something but Virgil stops them “So you are my teacher, Mr Logan Logic? And you are the baker down on mery lane, Mr Patton Heart? And you are the actor, Mr roman kingsley? And since you all my name is Virgil. Ill make a deal with you all. You let me go, i'll keep your secrets. Your identity and that you work for the government.” The heroes whisper to each other for a couple of minutes before patton said “We’ll accept your deal, kiddo if you stay to let me heal you fully”. Virgil takes a minute before nodding.

So thats what happened. Virgil stayed the week as Patton healed him fully. Virgil even got his own room. Virgil and heros became friends. So good of friends that everyone was sad when Virgil left. 

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