chapter 5

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It's been a couple of weeks since the last mission and Virgil has noticed a lot of things have happened since then.  

Firstly, Janus keeps getting punished for reasons Virgil doesn't know. But Janus keeps turning up to meetings and 'family' meals injured like torture session injured. When Virgil asked, Janus would just lie to Virgil's face but virgil could tell he was lying. The gaps where Janus's scales were meant to be, were getting bigger. Like the scales were being pulled out faster than they could grow back which was leaving bloody holes on Janus's face. Janus looked disgusting.

Secondly, Remy and Emile had become distant from Janus, spending most of their time in their bedroom, at school or annoying Virgil. Whenever Virgil asked why they weren't spending time with their dad, they would go pale and quiet. Virgil was really concerned. Has Janus done something? Did orange do something to make them like this? What is happening? 

Thirdly, wherever Orange wasn't looking, Janus would glare at him. Janus has also become far more sarcastic around Orange. Does he want to get hurt more? It's like Janus doesn't care what Orange does any more. 

After weeks of all this, Virgil had had enough. He wanted to know why this was happening. So he decided he was going to corner Janus and find out everything, so that's what he did. 

One day while Orange had disappeared again and the twins were at a friend's house, Virgil cornered Janus into a locked room and wouldn't let him leave until he found out exactly what was happening. 

"Virgil.." - J 

"No Janus. You aren't leaving until I know the truth about everything that has been going on the last couple of weeks" - V 

"Nothing has been going on. Everything is the same" - J 

"No, something's been going on. So stop lying to my face and tell me the truth. Tell me why you have been punished more and more? Tell me why you seem to not care about what Orange says or does anymore? Tell me why the twins go quiet and pale whenever I ask them why they have been avoiding you? Tell me the truth janus" - V 

"That's all pigments of your imagination Virgil. My children aren't avoiding me. I played with them this morning. I'm not being tortured more. I have been trying out new self care equipment and found out they don't react to my scales very well. Of course I care what Orange does. Now that's all settled, guys and Dolls are at the theatre and I have tickets. So le-" - J

"No. That was all lies. I know for certain the kids didn't play with you because they were annoying me all morning before they left. Those wounds can't be from an allergic reaction. If you cared what orange does, you would be less sarcastic" - V 

"me? Sarcastic? Never" - J 

"You have been like this since the…….. the mission. You have been like this since the mission you left early on. What happened on that mission, Janus?" - V 

"Fine. Emile and Remy were there. " - J 

"What? No they weren't. Orange had them locked away until the mission was a success" - V 

"No. He left them on the street for our attack. Creativity was protecting them. But then I attacked under Orange's orders. I hurt my own children because of Orange. And Orange just laughed" - J 

"What are you going to do? If I know you, which I do, you'll be planning something. So what are you going to do?" - V 

"Well that's for me to know and morality. And  for you to find out. Now may I leave?" - J 

"Morality? What has Morality go-?" - V 

Virgil was suddenly interrupted by Orange's shouts "Virgil, Janus. Meeting room now!". They both go straight to the meeting room, dropping the conversation. 

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