chapter 9

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As soon as Virgil entered the HQ, he knew agreeing to stay with the heros for a week was a bad idea. The HQ was destroyed. Everything had been thrown everywhere and broken. He heard crying and ran towards the crying. He found the twins in their room crying. The twins were covered in bandages and bruises. Virgil quickly shut the door behind him and kneels in front of them. "U-uncle Virgil? Y-your back?" Emilie asks. At Virgil's nods, the twins jump into his arms and cried into his chest. "What happened?" Virgil's question seemed to open the dam because the twins started crying more as Remy revealed: 

How Orange was angry that Virgil never returned with the chip 

How Janus been defeated by Morality  

How Orange was angry that Virgil disappeared for a week.

How orange destroyed everything in anger 

How Orangw hurt them to teach Janus a lesson.

That was it. Virgil was going to get the twins out of there. "Emile. Remy. I need you to pack everything up. I'm going to get you both and your dad out of here as soon as I get back. Can you do that for me?" The twins nod and slowly start packing as Virgil gets up and looks for orange and/or Janus. 

Virgil was able to find both Janus and Orange. As soon as Virgil enters the meeting room, he was slammed into the wall by Orange. "Where have you been?" Orange growled out. Virgil doesn't answer, he just glares. Orange slams him against the wall again before dropping him to the floor. "I would punish you now for disappearing for a week but you and Janus have a mission. So you'll get your lesson later. Now sit down". Virgil quickly sat down and listened to mission report. While doing this, he was making his own plan. He knew how they were going to escape. He just needed to tall Janus the plan. As soon as Orange finished explanating the mission, Janus and Virgil got in their costumes and quickly left. 

On the way to their destination, Virgil thought that was the best time to start up the conversation with Janus. "So jan-" 

"Where were you?" 


"Where were you? My kids were hurt by that monster because you wasn't here. So where were you, Virgil?" 

"I was with the heros ok! I passed out fighting Logic and they took me. They made me in and healed me then let me go a week later" 

"Did anything happen that week?" 

"They became friends with me. I trust them. I don't think I can fight them anymore" 

"I trust them to. I don't think I can't fight them either but we have choice. He will hurt Emile and Remy if we don't do what he says" 

"I have a plan" 

Over the rest of his journey Virgil explained his plan to Janus who agreed. Soon they arrived at their destination. Their mission was to attack the heros and keep them out of Orange's way while Orange builds something. 

As soon as they arrived, the hero's were already there in their costumes. Creativity was ready to fight. Logic and Morality not so much. "See JDelightful betrayed us already. He probably already told Deciet out identity" Creativity shouted out. "Get your facts gay, Sir sing a lot. Me and Deciet may have been sent to fight you. But we don't want to. ……. We need your helps".  Morality quickly goes over to them "what do you need help with? Are you hurt, kiddio?" Virgil steps back shaking my head "I'm fine but we need your help to get out of Orange's control and to save Deciet's kids" Virgil said which shocked them all. The heros quickly agreed but before they could say anything…







"So you thought you could get free of me?"

Everyone turned around to see Orange standing there. Everyone quickly got into a fighting stance and glared at him. "Oh I knew you was weak, Janus. Becoming a dad makes you so weak. But you Virgil. You being weak and be-friending the heros. I should have known better"  Both Virgil and Janus hiss at Orange. They go to speak but suddenly Orange disappears and re-appears behind Virgil and Janus, grabbing their necks tightly.  "Let them go!" Patton shouts but Orange just laughs so a fight breaks out. 

~~~~~~~~timeskip because this~~~~~~~~
~~Scene deserves a good fight scene~~~
~~~~~~~That I can't write.~~~~~~~~~

Suddenly, Orange throws Virgil at a wall hard, he bags his head and passes out he then hits Janus with a devastating blow, knocking him out. Suddenly everyone felt emotionally angry. Logan's and Roman's eyes widen in fear as they back up away from Patton. Patton's smile had dropped and his eyes had gone red. Orange laughs as he sees Patton. "Awww is little Morality angry that I knocked out Virgil and Janus? What you going to do to stop me? Tickle me or heal me up?" Orange teases. Patton screams in anger as Orange suddenly grabs his head in pain, crying. He collapses to his knees. Patton grabs Roman's sword and charges at Orange. Patton stabs Orange right through the chest. "DON'T. MESS. WITH. MY. FAMILY!"  He then pulls out the sword.  Orange collapses to the floor. Dead. 

Patton drops the sword suddenly realising what he has done. "No no no no no" Roman rushes forward and hugs him. "Roman we need to get Orange, Virgil and dec-janus to the hospital. And we need to collect Janus's kids. They must be at the villian HQ so we need to find out where that is" logan instructed as Roman nods. 

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