chapter 4

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The next day, Virgil and Janus were told to meet orange in the meeting room which meant they were going on a new mission today. Virgil winced at the thought, still badly injured from the last mission and from last night's punishment. He couldn't show this though because then Orange would get mad at him for showing weakness.  

Anyway the meeting room wasn't much. The walls were cream. Against the back wall was a giant computer. In the middle of the room was a very long table with tons of chairs (three of the chairs had a sibling on the back. The others didn't) . Like I said, not much. 

As Virgil and Janus entered the room they could see that Orange was already sitting in his chair (the one with two glowing eyes on it) at the head of the table. So Janus and Virgil quickly sat in their chairs. Virgil's had a storm cloud on it and Janus's had a two-headed yellow snake on it.  

"Now that you are all here we can start. Next time be here as soon as I say meeting room" Ignoring the 'yes orange Sir' Orange carried on speaking "since you failed to get the aluminium on your last mission virgil. We have to go back to get it today and because of your failure, they have tripled the security of it. So both Janus AND ME will have to come with you as your distraction since you got Remus killed. Virgil you will be sneaking into the building while me and Janus are outside distracting the guards and Heros. Whatever happens, you don't leave without the aluminium. Do you understand Virgil?........ speak up boy" virgil nods and speaks "yes Sir". With a flick of his hands orange sends Janus and Virgil to the costume room while he goes to do something.

The costume room had glass cabinets with everyone's costume inside one (Remus's bloody costume was in one too). Along the walls, there were weapons that Remus had created to cause full disruption. Virgil pulls his costume out of its cabinet and starts to put it on. He puts on his fire resistant, bulletproof hoodie and joggers on first before trying his Cape around his  neck. After that, he puts on his mask and pulls the Cape hood over his head. He then sits on the bench and puts his black and purple doc Martens on. While Virgil was getting dressed, Janus was doing the same.  He puts on his grey and yellow suit and puts the white half a face mask on the human side of his face before making his hair shorter so it doesn't get in the way. He then sits next to villian and puts his shoes on. As the pair finished putting their costumes on, he looked the same in his orange suit but now he has an orange mask (that just went over his eyes) and a black and orange cape behind him. Orange was spinning a key in his hand. "Seeing as you are both finished, we will leave now. Oh just one more thing before we leave. As this mission was failed, Remy and Emile will be locked away until this mission is completed successfully" 

After that they left for the warehouse.

As soon as they arrive, Virgil blends into the shadows and sneaks into the warehouse while Orange and Janus go down the street. They straight away started destroying buildings and terrorising civilians. So it didn't take long for Morality, Logic and Creativity to show up. Logic was wearing what just looked like a blue dentist shirt, blue doc Martens, black trousers and scientist goggles. Morality was wearing a light blue shirt and light brown trousers with a grey cape. He had dark brown boots on with a silver rim. He had a brown belt on and a light blue mask that had glasses under it. On his chest was a blue heart with glasses on it. Creativity was wearing a jumpsuit with white down the middle with red on the side and yellow on their hips. On his elbows and knees he had patches of yellow too. Around his waist was a red scarf like thing made of what looked like silk. He had black gloves on his hands and black boots on his feet. On his Chest, there was a giant C written all fancy with a crown on its head. Across his eyes, he had a small red mask that hardly covered any of his face. 

A fight broke out. 

Things around them exploded as the fight got worse. 

Creativity and Logic were the only heros fight though. Morality was getting the civilians around them to safety and healing the badly injured. 

Suddenly Creativity stopped fighting back, he was being defensive. 'What was he doing? Why won't he fight?'  Janus thought to himself before seeing Orange's signal, Janus attacks Roman only to hear 

A year piercing scream. 

The scream seemed familiar.

Suddenly Janus noticed why Creativity wasn't fighting back. He was protecting two little children.  Janus's little children. Creativity was protecting Remy and Emile. He had hurt his own children. Orange bursts out laughing. Janus glares at Orange before turning into an eagle and grabbing Emile and Remy by the claws and flies off. Creativity, Morality and Logic try to get Janus and the kids back but it was too late. Janus had flown out of their range. 

It was then that Virgil com'd that he got the aluminium and had gotten back to the base with it so Orange disappeared. 

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