Chapter 2

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**Spice Warning**

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**Spice Warning**

I wake up to a letter resting on the trunk in front of my bed. On the front in fancy script is scribbled Ominis. Eager, I tear it open and see a very small note written in the same fancy handwriting.

Meet me in the empty classroom down the corridor from the Slytherin Dungeons as soon as you are able. This is important.



My mind begins to race. Important? Instinctively, I feel myself prepare for the worst. Perhaps something happened to Anne. Maybe someone caught on and charges are being brought up against Sebastian. It is rare for me not worry these days. With all that has happened, I feel as if I am just waiting for another tragedy to befall myself or my dear friends. I decide there isn't any time to waste and quickly slip on a knee length dress that I had been gifted by Natty earlier in the year.

She was always so kind and very attune to my likes and dislikes. She had noticed how uncomfortable I had become always slipping in and out of pants that were caked with mud. She had gone to Gladrags and specially designed a couple shorter dresses for me that have long built-in shorts, with hidden pockets for my mass inventory of potions and herbs I tend to collect. I feel lucky to call her my friend.

I slip a few potions into the pockets just in case and tuck my wand into the hidden pocket on the side of the dress. I mentally prepare myself for what may come. I hurry out of the portrait hole and rush towards the Slytherin dungeons. There aren't many people in the halls. Breakfast must have started already. I get to the empty classroom in record time and as I grab the handle I take a deep breath before pushing open the door.


My jaw drops as I see all of my friends jumping up and down and cheering, sparks flying from their wands in beautiful scarlet and emerald colors. The room has been decorated in banners donning my name with the words Happy Birthday flashing across each of them. I am in shock. Birthday? What? What day is it?

"I am assuming from your silence you must have forgotten what today is," Ominis says.

"She's got a lot going on. But forgetting your own birthday? I would never," Imelda says crossing her arms and smirking at me.

"But you've got us! We would never let you pass on an opportunity to celebrate yourself," Poppy says excitedly, wearing a large sparkling headband in Gryffindor colors.

"Even if it is the same day we all have to pack and get on the train," Imelda says jokingly, though I can hear a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Don't be a downer. Today's about y/n," Sebastian says, walking up to me looking awfully proud of himself.

I feel myself grinning ear to ear, happiness ready to burst out of me.

"My goodness... I... I..." I don't know what to say. I feel the stress from before melt away, and then I remember the seriousness of Ominis's note.

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