Chapter 7

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Ominis POV

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Ominis POV

I've been trying to completely envelop myself into this book for the past thirty minutes. I find myself rereading pages over and over again, lacking any focus. My mind keeps going back to the images of y/n's face. She was even more beautiful than I had been able to try and comprehend. I tried to convince myself that it was surely just because she was the first ever female face that I've seen as to why I am so enamored. But this just isn't so. I fear I had fallen for her long ago.

I snap the book shut and run my fingers through my hair, feeling in complete distress. Sebastian had seen it. I couldn't help myself or my expression when y/n captivated me. The way his entire demeanor changed, and he couldn't so much as pretend to smile when I saw him for the first time. When he nodded at me, I knew he had understood at least an inkling of what I was experiencing. He's my best friend, and I would never do anything willingly to hurt him. But what I had experienced when I saw y/n was completely out of my control.

I completely understand why Sebastian has fallen for her so hard, I feel it within myself. The control over this feeling has betrayed me each time I'm with y/n, and despite my every effort, it has grown. Except now there is more... The way her loose hairs perfectly framed her face. The way her eyes shone brightly in the sunlight. The way she looked in that dress... Desire now attempts to take hold of my mind.

Far above me, I hear a loud crash. I jump to my feet, my wand out. It came from upstairs. I quietly sprint up the staircase and scan the Wampus common room. Where...? I can hear murmuring now. I point my wand towards the girls dormitory stairs where the sound is coming from. I don't step up, instead I stand at the very edge and try my best to hear if there is a possible intruder.

It's just Sebastian and y/n. I breathe out slowly, feeling better that nothing seems to be wrong. Perhaps they're just having a bit too much fun. Jealousy swarms me at the very thought. I find myself wishing I were in Sebastian's place instead. To be able to touch her like that, I can only begin to imagine how it must feel. I wonder if she ever has thought of me that way? Or if I ever even cross her mind during those moments with Sebastian.

Then I hear it, but it's barely audible. My name. She said my name. I don't hear anything for a moment after. I smile and turn away from the stairs. My name. She said my name. I've not the slightest clue as to why she felt the urge to say my name after what seemed to be quite the intimate adventure, but she did. Just the idea that for whatever reason, I was on her mind in any way, lifts my spirits.

I turn away from the stairs with a new sense of pride instilled within me. I waltz towards the exit tunnel with a new pep to my step. As I emerge out of the Wampus tower, I unknowingly begin to make my way towards the library that y/n had previously shown me. I've been pouring over a book about the legends and tales surrounding the unbeatable wand for the past two months. I figure if Professor Stone had told y/n to continue her research at the library here, there must be something.

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