Chapter 1, Part 9

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Clove pov:

Turns out her name is Maria Osama, she's 18, district 3, and she's skilled with knives just like me. "Full name?" A Capitol woman asks us before we can hop into the line. "Clove Sevina Kentwell" i say "In front of Hadley." she instructs and points to Cato, he's wearing a blue suit. "bye girls~" i wave bye to them before walking over to my spot. Cato turns red when he sees my dress. "is that even allowed?" he asks with a smirk

"it is now" i turn back to him. He's wearing a traditional tux with a black under shirt. It's unbuttoned on the top of his under shirt. "you look hot babe" i smirk at him "i know" then the lights on the stage power on "Now let's see if she actually sparkles, here is Glimmer!" the line moves up one when Glimmer steps onto the stage.
Her interview is pretty boring, just Caesar flattering her and talking about her dress. Then her district partner Marvel goes onto stage. He actually gets questions asked
Then it's my turn.

"Now from District 2; another volunteer, Clove!" cheers from the crowd are heard, louder than Marvel and Glimmers. I walk onto the stage and i can hear all the wolf whistles and claps from everyone regarding my dress and looks. "Doesn't she look gorgeous everyone?" Caesar looks to the crowd and they go wild before he has me sit in the off white chair next to him

I cross my legs since the bottom half of my dress is a bit.. open. "I hear you are quite facile with a knife." i nod slightly "i'm the best, i could kill you clear across this stage" he gives a frightened look to the audience "i dare not test that theory" he laughs with the crowd "How are you liking the Capitol so far Clove?" he asks, it's actually been a pleasant experience here and i hope to be returning "Let's just say i was very humbled when i told Jules my house was a bit larger~"

"im mostly enjoying the men here though, they are definitely one sight to see~" a laugh comes from the crowd  "Now tell me clove, does a pretty girl like you have someone back home in district 2?" shit. i wasn't prepared for that question. The only guy that i took interest in was Cato. And he's here with me right now "If you must know, there is." Caesar gives a look to the crowd "tell us about him would you?" he leans back in his chair. "well..he's real tall, and handsome as hell, he's so bad but he does it so well.. he has ashy blonde hair and ocean blue eyes"

I look to my fingers "he sounds oddly familiar dont you think folks?" murmurs can be heard from the crowd "That's Clove for you all!" I stand up and give one last little twirl before blowing kisses to the crowd as i walk off. "Now please give a warm welcome to Mr. Cato Hadley!" he walks onto the stage, looking all smug and handsome. I'm watching from a distance "Please sit!" Cato sits on the chair, swinging his left leg over his right

"Your here by choice! Why?" Caesar asks, he directs his attention to the crowd "I think these games are the best thing invented, it's something i've always wanted to do since i was a kid!" we have very similar opinions on these games. At first i was hesitant to come in but i've grown to realize these games earn you the respect you've never gotten. "I'm gonna ask you the same question I asked Ms clove- is there anyone special back home?" he chuckles a little "i mean of course there is, man she's just perfect"

Caesar pokes his bottom lip out at him "Well we found something rather interesting from last night, maybe you'd like to take a little peek?" my face drops for a second till i realize. Someone saw us. Someone saw me and Cato last night. How? "interesting you say? don't mind if i do!" a video screen is projected onto the screen behind them and in front of them so they can all see it. Everyone. It load and i see Caesar smirk at the crowd as the video starts playing. It starts at him grabbing my arm, then me landing on top of his body
Then the kiss.

His face goes red. "Whoa, when you said interesting i didn't know you meant me and Clove almost-" Caesar shuts the screens off, "So you and Clove huh?" Cato scoffs "well obviously!" he places his hands on his legs "Listen, nobody is mad (maybe besides Jules) but you guys need to be more cautious, someone is always watching~" then a timer beeps on Caesars watch "That's your time! Give  it up for Cato!"  the crowd claps at him. When he tries down the stairs i can tell he's annoyed

"you had a fucking camera in your room?!" he yells at me "what are you talking about?! of course not!" i spit back at him "then how the fuck-" he takes a deep breath in, "how did this video come about? i know they didn't just pull it out their asses!" he's still angry but more relaxed "Cato i don't know. We'll find out sooner or later. Now you need to pay attention to our opponents. New girls up." i point to the tv that's propped up onto the wall where Maria sits at the seat.

"I'm the best out of all of these wannabes~ that clove girl thinks she's good but in reality anybody can throw a knife, i've been trained for this since i was 5 years old" jokes on her, D2 starts training their kids at 2. "So your saying Ms Kentwell is just like any average player?" she nods, he curls bouncing around her head "she'll be the first to go, i'll get her in the bloodbath~" Caesar gasps at her "you are fiesty! i like it!" he exclaims. "have you taken any interest in anybody so far? i've seen some eyes on you!"

She giggles "That D2 boy, he's definitely my type, he's tall, blonde, and most importantly sexy as ever" my blood boils, he's mine. And it'll stay that way till our dying days.

I was right, looks 100% do kill.

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