Chapter 3.

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It was a month later, Monday morning, the first official day of U.A and Izuku Midoriya was ready. This was her first step in becoming even closer to her dream. That of a hero and field doctor. Three years of hard work, determination and learning from some of the best heroes that Japan had to offer before she stepped into the real world to save people and stop villains. Her uniform was on right, albeit she didn't wear a tie (those things should be banned!), wore shorts under the skirt and usual combats tied tightly on her feet. Black backpack against her spine, equipped with new stationary, notebooks, purse, hairbrush, spare bobbles, deodorant, perfume and a few other things. Her hair was no longer down near her butt, but to just below her shoulder blades, with styled layers cut into the thick, wavy mass. It was also cut to frame her face perfectly, with the ends faded into dyed lime green too. Along with a full fringe that nearly fell into her bright emerald eyes highlighted by black winged eyeliner and mascara.

She wanted something different, and her parents weren't against it at all. In fact, they'd openly encouraged her, as always. Around her throat was the choker Touya had brought for her thirteenth birthday, still as good as ever even though she wore it pretty much every day. She had noise cancelling earphones on, as heavy rock music blasted away. Everything was tied off nicely with her favourite custom-made, black tunic styled and buckles coat that went to mid-calf, along with the large assassins' creed styled hood. Many gave curious looks as she headed to her new school. Forty minutes later, she approached the gates, removing the headphones to dangle around her neck and turned the playlist off entirely. She met with her best friend, and secret crush, Touya Todoroki, who looked damn good in the uniform and had on his matching boots with her.
"Morning Touya." She greeted, hugging the taller male.

"Hey angel. Love the new hairstyle, it suits you." He kissed her cheek, as always.
"Thanks babes. Are you ready for this?" She asked when they separated.
"Of course. Well, if I have you by my side, I'll be able to accomplish pretty much anything angel." He sheepishly admitted but smirked at her. She chuckled at the response. It was the same for her though, as they're each other's support (both mental and physical), foundation and protector.
"Same here babes. Let's go and show what we're made of! One step closer to being pro heroes and having our own agency." Chuckling at her answer, they went inside, ignoring the crowds of curious students who stared as they went to their new classroom with ease, because she'd memorised the layout of U.A. They didn't necessarily need to intermingle, or get to know others already, they had no need just yet. Let the first-year duo settle in first.

Many peered at them in awe though, as it was already obvious that they were strong, confident yet not cocky and the main one was that lots of people secretly thought that they were utterly gorgeous together. A few minutes later, they found the room. 1A, hero course. No mistaking it either considering the door was bloody huge, sadly those inside were ungodly loud. Who even needs to be that noisy at 7.50am? Seriously? Touya opened the door, and no one turned or looked to acknowledge who entered. Well, that was their first mistake. What if they'd been a villain? Utter idiots. Did they think that they're invincible or something? The door closed and they shuffled to the back, claiming the last two empty desks in the corner furthest from the door. Izuku could already feel the migraine coming. Her bag was placed beside her, hanging on the hook at the edge of the desk after putting the headphones inside for safety and coat over the back of her seat.

Touya let her have the window seat, knowing she liked it. They didn't bother getting anything out, because they weren't sure in what they'd need, although both twiddled with a pen. Phones stayed in pockets, on silent. The bell rang, signalling the start of the day and still the class didn't shut up, sit in the correct seats, or focus/face forward. Did they think this would be like middle school and get away with that for long? They'd have quite the awakening if that's what they thought. Izuku spotted a flash of grey and signalled to Touya, who then saw it too. The thing rose from behind the desk and out popped a tired looking face. Izuku smirked slightly as their gazes clashed, hers in amusement, his in slight shock. She knew exactly who this was. It was her favourite underground pro hero Eraserhead, who's an absolute badass legend. The man seemed genuinely surprised that herself and Touya had spotted him, totally focused and silent. Finally, the others shut up and got in their seats. Thank god as she was about to snap at the ignorant shits.

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