Chapter 6.

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Touya swiftly followed after Izuku as they ran into the hospital, and upon entry, they saw Nakamura waiting for them in the waiting area. An obvious sigh of relief on his face when he spotted them.
"Good, you're here, thank god. Let's go. The sooner they calm down, the better it'll be for them and us." He ushered them to the third floor at a fast pace. They could hear some kids screaming in clear fear, and Izuku ran forward, with no hesitation in wanting to help. She saw two nurses trying to get near the bawling kids but couldn't without being lashed out at.
"Please get back ladies. I'll take over from here for you." Izuku said and you could see the instant relief of all nurses and doctors as she arrived. Touya stopped by some and noticed Baines.
"What happened here?" He motioned to one of the kids who had a sharp scalpel pointed at them from where they were huddled on a bed in a private side room.

"They're terrified. Their parents are in surgery. The eldest is fine with just some small scraps and being treated in another room, but these two won't let anyone near them." Baines explained a bit.
"Hey, my name is Izuku. Can you tell me why you won't let someone help you sweethearts?" They heard Izuku ask, voice soft as she approached the bed, but stayed just out of reach.
"We want our parents!" The blonde-haired boy, the one holding the scalpel screeched in a shaky hand, blue eyes wide in obvious panic as he held the small blonde-haired girl. She had to be no older than maybe four at max and was clutching his top and face buried in his side tightly. Both were rather skinny, more than usual for their ages. Starvation maybe? Touya sure hoped not.

"I know, but they're having surgery to make them get better. How about if you let me see that you're ok, then I'll take you to see them. You won't be allowed in the main room, but you can see them from the observation deck." Izuku had her entire body relaxed, showing she wasn't a threat.
"You'd do that?"
"Of course, I promise. It won't be nice, because they're having surgery, but if it makes you feel better in seeing that they're in the best hands possible, that's what matters right?"
"Naoki, where are you?" A voice called, clearly in panic. Touya glanced around for the owner of it.
"Toshi, I'm here!" The boy screamed, and another rather skinny boy appeared, about his own siblings age, with tired lavender eyes and gravity defying purple hair.

He had a bandage on his entire right forearm and a small patch on his neck. He dashed into the room, and Naoki, now they knew his name, threw the scalpel away to hug the elder boy in evident panic. The little girl he'd been holding, got off the bed and slowly approached Izuku, who went on her knees to be at her level.
"Hello sweetpea, I'm Izuku. What's your name?" Her siblings watched carefully.
"Asami." She whispered.
"Oh, that's a beautiful name. Could you tell me, Asami, where are you hurt honey?"
"Here." She pointed to her belly.
"Can I have a look?" Asami nodded, and Izuku lifted her top a little. She had a rather nasty gash to her side, slowly leaking blood into her black t-shirt.

"Ouchie." Asami mumbled, bottom lip trembling a little.
"Aw, would you like me to heal it? I have special healing flames that won't hurt you, and it'll take that pain away."
"Pwease." She started to cry. Azure jewels shining as tears leaked down her little chubby cheeks. Izuku peered at the brothers, who keenly watched, clearly not trusting many people. Touya wasn't surprised, as they'd just gone through something horrendous.
"Are you ok with that? I promise it won't hurt her."
"As long as it doesn't hurt, please help her." Toshi said. Izuku nodded and Touya smiled softly as she worked her magic. Not just with healing, but making the kids trust her. They watched as Asami let out an obvious sigh of relief as her injury was healed.

"All done." Izuku made her flames disappear.
"It not 'urt no more!" Asami gasped, poking at her belly before hugging Izuku, who chuckled.
"I told you it won't hurt, and I'll make it go away. Do you two want help too?" Izuku peered at them. Naoki got off the bed and went to her. Touya just stayed in the doorway, ready to help if it was needed, though he highly doubted it. Now the kid wasn't welding a sharp scalpel, he could see the injuries he had. Chunks missing from his arm, some burn marks, and a broken wrist. Poor kid.
"How did you do that?" Naoki questioned.
"Part of one of my quirks, is healing flames. That's what I used." Izuku explained.
"Wait, one of your quirks?" Toshi gawked.

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