Chapter 9.

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They were back in the stadium and seated in their rightful places. Touya and Izuku were sitting in the 1A section, waiting for their turn to begin as the final round had begun about thirty minutes ago. A few people had already gone, narrowing it down from twenty people, to fourteen. They'd already returned their phones to the lockers for safety and changed back into the kits. Touya peered at Izuku, who got up as it was her turn next. Talk about karma as she's against the bastard that spoke to her disgustingly before the first round. He had no idea in who he was dealing with yet.
"Won't be long babes." Izuku chuckled, giving him a quick hug.
"Have fun. Make a statement as usual. Do you know his quirk yet?"

"A type of muscle enhancement that gives him slightly more extra strength than normal."
"Ah. Well, have fun." He wasn't surprised she knew it already, considering her analysis was on point.
"Will do!" She disappeared with a skip to her step, and he shook his head in vast amusement before realising someone had settled beside him. Turning his head, he saw it was Nezu.
"Hey Nezu." He said to the chimera.
"Hello Touya. Don't mind if myself and some others join for a bit, do you?" A paw was lifted to the doorway. He spotted Mirko, Gang Orca, Manual, Crimson Riot and Best Jeanist.
"Not at all. Please, feel free to join. Just one warning, don't be surprised if Izuku geeks out a bit when she returns and sees you here." He chuckled as the five heroes settled in seats behind him.
"What do you mean by that, Todoroki?" Best Jeanist queried.

"Izuku is a total hero nerd. She's also a quirk analyst in her spare time, so she might ask you some questions, but won't make you uncomfortable with it. She knows people's limits as she has great awareness skills. Oh, and please feel free to call me Touya, as everyone does." He answered.
"Nice to meet you, Touya." Gang Orca held his hand out, which he shook.
"Pleasure to meet you too."
"LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR THE NEXT ROUND! WE HAVE KAZUUR RAHE FROM THE BUSINESS COURSE AGAINST THE BADASS ANGEL HERSELF FROM THE HERO COURSE, IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Mic hollered, getting people stamping and cheering loudly as they stepped into the field and up onto the ring opposite each other. No one missed the way Rahe's lip curled in a sneer.

"He's already lost." Touya mumbled, but that got Nezu's attention.
"What do you mean?" The chimera pondered.
"I take it you haven't gone over the footage from the buses earlier?" He asked instead.
"Not yet I haven't. Why?"
"Because Rahe was a total arsehole to Izuku, despite not even knowing her. He said that she's nothing but hero scum that is purely doing this for money and fame, when he doesn't even know her or our goals. Luca, our friend from the business course, instantly defended her before I could say anything myself, and everyone else on the bus did not look amused or pleased at the guy either." He admitted. No point in lying when the principal would just see it anyway.

"He seriously said that?" Manual gasped.
"Sure did. Also said that she needs to be put in her place. He doesn't realise that Izuku knows various mixed martial arts, and weaponry, on top of being ridiculously strong too."
"How strong?" Mirko asked this time.
"I'm not entirely sure, but I think she can bench press like, three/four hundred odd pounds, and even more with her legs, but it might even be more now. Those muscles most definitely aren't just for show that my best friend has work damn hard into training." He stated, shocking the pro heroes.
"I want a clean fight between you both. No dirty tactics. Am I clear?" Ectoplasm announced, getting nods of agreement from them both.

"LET'S GO IZU-NII!" The small group heard some kids holler excitedly. Touya smiled hearing it.
"Her family?" Gang Orca laughed.
"Yeah, and my chaotic siblings too."
"FIGHT!" Ectoplasm called and they ran at each other. Rahe activated his quirk, making his muscles bunch more. It wasn't all that impressive, as he was skinny as fuck, but you could see the slightly added help due to his quirk. Izuku easily dodged his stupidly wide punch, brought her leg up and slammed the top of her foot into the side of his scalp, twisting slightly and driving the guy down. He crashed into the ground, in an instant K.O. It had ended within seconds. Fucking karma bitch.
"MIDORIYA WINS DUE TO KNOCKOUT!" Ectoplasm stated, as med bots came to pick up Rahe. The crowd went utterly wild. She bowed to the hero, waved to the audience and quickly left the ring.

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